Chapter 3

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When I open my eyes all I can see is a huge pine tree, a large light blue house, and a valley with some buildings. Then my vision fogs and my legs give out.

Nico kinda catches me then lays me on the ground. "What's wrong?" He asks. I glance at my shoulder and see it soaked in blood.

"Poison," is all I can force out before I throw up. My dad picks me up and we head toward the big white house.

My dad puts me on a bed inside and leaves me with Willow. She gives me a small square of stuff that tastes like a just off the grill hamburger. (We only know what Percy said it tasted like, so I'm just doing her favorite tastes.)

Willow cleans and bandages the wound and my vision clears. I carefully stand up and walk around the room. Willow hands me a glass of golden liquid and leads me outside.

I sit down and evaluate my surroundings. We're on a big porch outside the blue house, surrounded by strawberry fields. I see a lake, a group of cabins, and a few other buildings around the valley. Several people stand and sit around me on the porch.

I see my parents, Nico, Percy, a girl with curly blonde hair holding Percy's hand, Willow, and a male satyr. "I understand that greek mythology is real, but why are the monsters after me, and why is there a camp?" I ask.

"Monsters track demigods, and you are a very powerful one. The camp has magical borders so that we're safe here and no monsters can attack us," Explains Percy.

"So I'm a demigod?" I ask again. My mom smiles, "Yes you are. Go ahead, tell us everything you've figured out." I smile back. She can always tell when I've got knowledge I want to share.

"First of all Nico is a Child of Hades. Percy's father is Poseidon, but his namesake is Perseus, a son of Zeus. Mom, you're a demigod, daughter of Athena. Dad's a son of Apollo. Willow is a satyr posted at my school to find demigods and bring them here. What you gave me was nectar and ambrosa; food of the gods. Dad, you're not my real father because I wouldn't be strong enough to attract half an army of monsters. And I'm sorry, but I don't know either of you." I say nodding to the blonde girl and satyr boy and finally taking a breath.

Nico lets out a low whistle and my mom and dad laugh. "Definitely related to Athena," says Percy nodding. "I'm Annabeth, daughter of Athena." Says the girl smiling. "I'm Herbert, a satyr obviously." Says the boy, shaking my hand.

"I'll let you father claim you, it's a great experience." My mom says. "Aww, but I wanna know!" I complain. "Nope. You could probably figure it out, but right now you should get a tour of camp." Mom replies.

"I'll give you a tour." Several people say at once. I laugh and grin, setting down my glass. "You can all give me a tour!" My group of tour guides heads down the steps. I hug my parents and run after them.

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