Purge scenario

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<A/N: dear all of the other 6 zodiacs (scorpio, aries, gemini, taurus, libra, capricorn) I am sowwy but my little group of friends consists of 5 of the zodiacs. However the sagittarius is just a pain in my ass soooo...yeh. I'm showing them both on this page tuu su dun scroll down>

Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn:

Libra POV:

My heart dropped as the clock stroked 7 p.m. and gunshots boomed through the whole city. "Uhm.." Gemini said, clinging onto Aries' arm. "What is your problem?" He raised an eyebrow. "Nothing.." She let go and scooted away nervously. I heard someone downstairs, slam through the window with a crowbar or something, "Uhm..." Capricorn looked nervous as Taurus grabbed a handgun, peeking down the stairs slowly but surely. He nodded and Aries followed slowly with him. "FOUND 'EM!" A man said roughly, holding a shotgun; pointing at them. Scorpio shot one in the back in the head, then blew the smoke out of the top of the gun. "HEY." the man turned around and Taurus shot the guy. I smiled and went down the stairs. "Fuck yeah bitches don't mess with Taurus or Scorpio." I high fived them and we all went down into the basement.

Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, Aquarius

Cancer POV:


Virgo POV:

I sat in the car and asked about a million times if Aquarius and Leo were 100% sure they put the bullet proof windows up. "For the millionth time yes Virgo there's nothing to worry about." Aquarius said, slouching like always. "I'm sorry I don't want to DIE" I said worried. "Pisces isn't even this freaked out..." Leo took back the statement quickly as he saw Pisces was practically clinging to Aquarius' face. "I WANT TO KILL STUFF THIS IS DESTINY IN REAL LIFE BASTARDS." Cancer yelled, funny how he's never happy until he gets to shoot stuff. "Chill out dude it's only the purge. It's not the Apocalypse." Leo said and Cancer looked ready to kill him in two shots flat, he hissed and slowly slouched in his chair. "Maybe we should Oh I DON'T KNOW...DRIVE?" Pisces said tugging on the sleeve of Aquas jacket. She raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"Hakuna thy tatas." she said

"Don't have a rack attack" Cancer said smirking

"Soothe your boobs" Leo chuckled

"Give that chest a rest" Sagittarius smiled

"Adjust your bust before it combusts" I laughed

Pisces raised an eyebrow and said aloud "You forgot give that chest a rest." We all groaned and sat back as Sagittarius drove us on the bridge, we drove by the people being viciously murdered in horror, even Aqua was reacting.

Scorpio, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn:

Taurus POV:

We sat in the basement, the girls seemed distraught in a way, however Libra and Capricorn looked ready to kick some MAJOR ass. "Yeaaah if I see someones face Imma give them a faceful of pistol BIATCH!" Capricorn smiled brightly, in a devilish kind of sense. "BISH IMMA BE KICKIN SOME ASS" Libra said punching the air like a loon. "Sit down ladies" Scorpio smiled and rolled his eyes at their behavior. Gemini wasn't trying to cover the fear like they were she just sat behind me clinging to my arm. "SOMEONE GET THE JAWS OF LIFE I'M GOIN DOOOOWNNN" I said slowly falling to the floor as a joke. BOOM like a switch we all stopped. "We know you're still here." A woman growled. Libra and Capricorn nodded at me and Aries. "We got this biatch." She mouthed. She went up the stairs slowly with the pistol in her hands. She pointed it at Aquarius and we gasped. "You gonna put the gun down slowly or do I gotta signal Cancer?" She dropped the gun. "It's just Aqua and Virgo." Virgo lifted her glasses and stared in Aquas face. "You just stared down the barrel of a gun without a sweat. I must find your robot panel and adjust the fear factor." Aqua smiled "Only if I can make Cancer more romantic." Virgos eyes widened. "NOPE." she left after that. Aqua smiled "We just need some gas." I grabbed a container full of gas and tossed it to her. "I owe ya one." She slipped out the door and I yelled "NO YOU DON'T YOU'LL SAY YOU WERE LYING." out the window. "Aww Taurus you know me so well." She went into the car and slammed the door shut.

Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Leo, Aquarius

Leo POV:

We broke down on a road in a familiar neighborhood. "Out of gas." Sagittarius explained, Aqua got out of the car and forced Virgo to come along with a gun, "If we ain't back in 10 minutes we're dead." She headed towards Libras house and Pisces clung onto me "Oh great now I'm the scratching post.."

A/N: P2 is coming soon mai biatches.

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