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Virgo POV:

I opened an eye to hear growling coming from a nearby tree, I looked around the tree to see Cancer mumbling and grumbling about the heat and light, Leo was already awake sitting on a rock; staring out into the ocean. "I'm trapped. On an island. With a couple of idiots." I mumbled and sighed, going into the woods to gather some wood; soon approaching a cave Leo and Cancer came up behind me. "Woah cool" Leo said "It's nice and dark" I tore off Cancers shirt as he screamed at me, I grabbed a stick and wrapped the wet cloth around it. I grabbed my emergency lighter which I had if I ever got lost in the woods with no heat source. I ignited a flame and we entered the cave, nothing. "We can stay here for the night boys." I lifted my broken glasses (which I could barely see through) and sat down as Leo wandered around the cave. "Kinda small don't you think?"

"Nah, go to sleep." The sun set and we all got up bright and early.

They got off of the island within the week and reached civilization.

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