Chapter 24: Experimental Training

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I woke up strapped to the table again, Grace's worried face hovering over me. I smiled weakly at her. "Hi," I said softly. My throat was dry and scratchy and it hurt to speak.

"You shouldn't attack Governor Wilkson like that, Demetriot. He didn't do anything to you."

"He..." I stopped, coughing and swallowed hard. "Do you have water?" I managed.

Grace nodded and left. She came back with a cup of water and helped me drink it, using a few levers to tilt the table, and me, into a sitting position. I drank all of it and then took a deep breath.

My throat still felt a bit dry, but it was a lot better and easier to talk. "Wilkson ordered his men to shoot my mentor. He was like a father to me and he's dead because Wilkson wanted to prove a theory. Is that reason enough to want to strangle the guy?"

Grace shook her head, sadness filling her eyes. "I don't understand you, Demetriot. You were fine when you were sparring with Gary, and then you suddenly turned into a blood thirsty monster. Can't you let go of your grudge and let Wilkson help you?"

"He's not helping anyone, Grace, and I can't believe you're going to side with a monster like him and turn this back on me. None of this would have happened if he wasn't a scheming snake."

"He's my father, okay? And if you call him a snake again, I'll leave you here alone and let someone else help you."

"I didn't know he was you father. I'm sorry," I said closing my eyes and fighting off my anger and indignation. "I just... I'm going through a lot, and he's causing it. I just want to leave and go back Lyss and Narian, even Alice. I'd rather be anywhere but here." Why was I telling her this? I shouldn't be giving out names to her that could lead to them. It was too late, though. I'd already done it.

"I know you're going through a lot, but that doesn't mean you should try to kill the people you are just assuming are causing it. You're not being reasonable and you clearly don't care about trying to find the truth," Grace accused.

I bit my lip. "Then give me your tablet and let me try to find the truth," I offered. "You can watch whatever I do to make sure that I'm not contacting anyone or whatever. Also, I want to see Achmetha... he's better at this than I am."

Grace narrowed her eyes and frowned slightly. "Good at what?"

"I want to look at Alven's files again. I'm not entirely sure they're one hundred percent correct or accurate. Also, I'm really hungry too, so if you aren't going to let me down, would you be willing to at least find me something to eat?"

Grace stared at me for a few seconds and then shrugged. "Fine, I'll find you food and stuff, but I'm not letting you free. I'll see if they'll let Achmetha come in here, but don't be so sure about it, because they don't trust you after what you did to Wilkson."

I nodded. "Grace?" I asked as she turned to leave.

She looked back at me, her bright blue eyes puzzled. "What?"

"Thank you. You don't need to put up with my attitude, but you do, and I'm grateful for it," I said. I meant every word of it. If she had left like she threatened before, I would have been alone and I would have started to brood. Brooding would have led to anger, pain and a whole bunch of other emotional problems.

As soon as Grace left, however, Wilkson walked in, stirring the embers of anger still burning brightly inside of me. "What do you want?" I demanded harshly. "I'm not doing anything for you."

"I have a deal to make with you. I'll let your friends, Harry and Achmetha leave, and you will cooperate with me."

"Fat chance. Last time I agreed to something like that, you killed Brikan. I'm not giving you the chance to do that again."

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