Chapter 20: Betrayal

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I don't know exactly what to do with this chapter. I need it to show about Lyss' ability and Narian's problem, a good friend told me that it was too much information and not enough time for the reader to understand it. If you all have any ideas of how to make it better and what you would like to see happen in this, I would really love your input! Thanks! :D


I lay on my bed, fighting my emotions back as I'd always done. It had been the first thing Brikan had taught me: never let your emotions interfere with your decisions as an operative. Brikan. My mind whispered sadly.

We were in the same place that Brikan's hideout/slash home-outside-the-city was. It looked exactly the same, except there were many, many more rooms. Enough to house an army. The gym was bigger too and there were more exercise machines.

Thinking about Brikan brought back the emotions I'd pushed back.

A fresh wave of pain washed over me and I curled up on my side, pressing my eyes tightly closed against it. No emotions. No emotions. I silently chanted over and over.

Someone opened the door and came in, but I ignored them. No emotions. No emotions. Keep them in, don't let them out.

"This isn't coping, Demetriot," an older, soft, feminine voice told me.

I wanted to ignore her and keep my eyes closed, but I forced them open and looked up at her. No emotions. She was an older woman with black hair laced through with gray. I knew her. She'd dropped me off with the Shields' family and left. No emotions. Don't show them, don't let them out.

"Lyss told me you were here. You're twins you know. I was so happy when you two came out together. You two were holding hands so tightly we nearly had to pry your hands apart. I hardly dared to hope when I heard, but here you are, my own boy. You're already so grown up. I can't believe how much you've changed."

Twins. I knew we were related somehow, but I hadn't thought we were twins. That was an interesting bit of information.

"I probably wouldn't be able to see you right now if I hadn't left you with her. She was a good mother for you, too. You've grown up as a fine young man."

I sat up, suddenly angry at her for leaving me. She did what she thought was best. You should admire her for that. It's what you're trying to do. Narian would forgive her, I can at least give her a chance. "Hello, Alice." I said as emotionlessly as possible. I didn't want to hurt her, but I wanted her to leave me alone. I needed time to think and plan and sort out my emotions.

"Oh, Dem, you can call me Mom, you know. Lyss does, you know," Alice said kindly.

"Don't, please. Just leave me alone for a while. I need to think and... I don't know, try and figure things out with my hectic life." I resisted the urge to turn away from her completely and go back to trying to keep Brikan alive. No emotions. I reminded myself.

She looked a little crestfallen, but nodded. "Whenever you're ready, then. If you need someone to talk to..." she lets the sentence hang, but I finish it for her anyway.

"I'll go find Narian." It was a little bit mean, but hopefully she'd get the message. I wasn't just going to accept her into my small circle of trusted people because she happened to be my birth mother. I didn't know or trust her and until she could resolve that, I wasn't going to have any heart to hearts with her. "Maybe one day, okay... Mom?" I added, hoping to lighten the blow.

She nodded, clearly saddened, but also understanding. I had to give her some credit for that. Without another word, she left, closing the door behind her softly.

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