Chapter 7: The other side

Start from the beginning

The 4 Octolings head in the kettle and wind up in front of inkopolis

"Okay we're here!"

"Not exactly, we're behind the walls of the city. We need to get in somehow." Erika explains

"Maybe we can use brute force and shot our way through!"

"Okay, sureee be my guess."

Ava fires at the wall but isn't making a dent


"Except our shots can't go through WALLS genius." Karl says with an attitude


"Wait guys she made an ink path over the wall. We can swim up it."

"Oh wow. I hadn't thought of that. Good idea, Frosty. Now let's head on up. Octo forms go!"

The 4 swim up the ink trail and get over the wall. Their now in Inkopolis city. a lot of inklings are socializing but don't seem to notice em.

"Ok so far so good. Now let's go into turf wars and see how they fight."

"Why did they make the outside walls inkable? I mean that doesnt seem very smart."

"Maybe they didnt know outsiders have weapons, they confiscate them from you if you leave. Wait why am I explaining this, lets join a turf war

"Ok but can I get a soda first, Karl? I'm parched."

"S-s-sure you can drink er do anything..anytime your throaty I MEAN THROSTY.. THRISTY heh yeah.."

"O...k...oh a vending machine. Brb guys."

"Hey why do you always talk like that with her?" Frosty questions.


"Because he likes her, wants to marry her and kiss her like this." Ava making kissing noises teasing him

"NO I DONT! She's just a good teammate YOU can take notes from."

"Very cute, next time you make an insult at me youll wish your legs weren't your new eyes."


Meanwhile back with Erika.

"Ahh that was refreshing."

"Hey do you have a dollar on you? I'll pay you back soon I never forget a face."

"Sure. Here you go. My name's Erika what's yours?"

"Carter...ya know you look vaguely like a-"

"CARTER!!!! Hurry up!!!"

"Hold that thought miss, COMING MOM!!!"

Erika backs away before he could finish

"You guys I just met an inkling and he almost discovered who I was. Guess these disguises don't work after all.."

"Maybe it's because your not wearing a hat like us...or a mask. Their tentacles arent the same as us. Maybe you should wear something less revealing instead."

"Fineee but I'm keeping the hair clip."

Erika picks out a Paintball Mask from the store.

"Hey Ava now we're mask TWINSYS!!!!

"God help me..." Ava pleads.

"Alright you guys no more fooling around, we have a job to do now let's enter some turf wars...oh and splatfest."

The group enters a squad battle and prepare to fight. Gabriel is also in tower control and has to fight them in Arowana Mall.

"Hmm I have not seen those inklings here before. They must be new. Well new or not I'm here to win. Now I need to think of a strategy for their weapon types..." Gabe says out loud

"Hehehe who should I take out first guys?" Ava mutters "how about that geeky inkling"

"Remember, we gotta focus on how inklings play, not have fun." Karl reminds her.

The battle begins in 3...2....1....GO!!! The K team rushes incredibly fast to the tower while Ava and Karl focus on the enemies and Frosty snipes on top of a ledge. Erika is left on the tower but Gabriel tries to sneak on board.

"Hehe I got you now. Eat blaster you-

She then changes into a kraken so suddenly.


She splats him and they take victory already.

"WHAT??? They maintained victory already? Hmm they must be experts or just really exceptional newcomers. Either way I shouldn't complain."

"Man was that it?? Inklings sure are weak compared to us."

"It's probably because we had more experience, Ava." Karl said.

"Yeah..I feel pretty bad for killing that poor inkling...I mean he just wanted the tower then I just...ugh you think we could've let them win one."

"And risk getting splatted!? No way sir. No way at all." Then Ava goes on & on to Erika on how she doesn't want to start back at Octo valley before frosty could say-

"I don't see why we got stuck doing this, it gets boring to win every single time doesn't it?"

"Well...true. But at least it shows how better we are compared to the squids. Hey btw are they kids now or squids now?"

"Karl if you make that joke one more time I'm gonna throw you into the nearest ocean I can find."

"I'll be quiet now..."

"That was a good game you did well." Gabriel to the 4 of them.

"Quick a squid is talking to us, what do we say?.."

"We?? Your the leader here, figure something out!"

"...yeah that was a good game."
"Yes it was..."
"We kicked your butt."
"We're normal squids..."
Then they all had creepy fake smiles then walks away.

".....ooookkkk....they were disturbing..." Gabe then enters back in the lobby.

"Phew that was close. Erika why did you say we were normal squids?"

"I panicked in the moment."

"And Ava did you really had to say we kicked your butt...tho it was funny."


"Guys focus." Frosty said while they all laughed then stopped.

"Ugh your right, ok now I'm gonna be seriously serious, from now on what I say goes, got it?

"Got it."
"You can't tell me what to do."


"Ugh fine but not because you said so."

"Fine whatever, then from this point on we are the OctoSquad, and we're gonna kick butt!"

They head into the lobby another time and no one suspects who they really are.

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