** Chapter Two **

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"Hahaha very funny Justin. You almost got me this time. Try to come up with something a little more original for next time" He obviously did not believe me. But I had to convince him.

"I'm not lying. It did happen. That thing did attack me"

"Oh yeah? What did that "thing" look like?" I knew he would ask me that but since he did there was no way he was gonna believe me.

"It was big, had scales and yellow eyes" I knew he would never buy that.

"Justin I just think that you've watched Teen Wolf way too much" I knew it, he thought I was describing the Kanema, some paranormal thing from our favourite tv show.

"Ok, fine. If you don't wanna believe me than I don't care. Just wait till I die here out in the woods. All alone. Oh, no. The Kanema might still be out there so I'm not totally alone"

I hung angrily up on him an threw my phone in the ground. Why couldn't he just believe me? It's not like I was asking for a lot here.

The sky was getting darker. It must be getting late. I should be going home.

I stood up. I thought my legs or arms would hurt a lot more than this. But when I stood up I was just a little numb.

I examined my body and found out that there were no deep scratches on me. I did how ever have a bite mark on my right hand that was both in my palm and the back of my hand.

My pants were shredded to parts and so was my t-shirt, but there were no cuts underneath them. Just some scars that looked like they were at least a few days old. What did just happen?

It was like nothing had happened by the pond at all.

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