I this part right here.

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I woke up to being shaken awake, which only had me grain as I turned over to look out the window. Seriously? It was still dark, why was he doing this?

"Gertie, please. You said you'd go." I heard Edwards voice.

"Oh, come on. No, I'm tired." I rolled back over but I quickly jerked up up from the pain I received when I accidentally laid my head on my stitched hand. "Uhh, fine. Fine." I groaned storming in and out of the restroom.

I walked back to my room to find clothes laid out for me. Some thermal leggings to go under my jeans, and a thermal long sleeve to go under my t-shirt along with a beanie and a Nike wind breaker. At least it was more of my style, I groaned as I got ready think about Alice.

"Thank you for doing this for your brother." Esme smiled as she took the cup from the Keurig and prepared me my coffee.

I didn't even bother saying anything. I was honestly surprised she wasn't stopping me from going down there, but then again in the past I would go all the time. She then handed me a backpack with my painkillers from my hand, three water bottles and some protein bars.

"Be safe." She kissed my head before letting me go. 

As I drove down there, all I could think about was sleep and food, so before I got out of my warm car I gulped down my coffee after eating a protein bar. Right after that, I got out, throwing the backpack on and reaching for my phone and a thin blanket since it was cold. And right on time, I noticed the same navy van arrive. So for now, I threw the blanket around me, put in my silent earphones and sat on the bench that was about a foot away from where they were all at.

They spoke of it being too cold and how this girl wants someone named Eric to ask her to the dance. That is until three new voices joined them.

"You guys should keep Bella company. Her date bailed."

"What Date?"

"She invited Edward."

"To be polite, that's it." I heard who I assumed was Bella.

"I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does.

"Yeah, cause Cullen's a freak." That hurt.

"You got that right." A new voice agreed.

"You guys know him?"

"The Cullen's don't come here." Was what the same deep voice answered.

"There's a Cullen right there." I heard someone say, so I was quick to pretend to change the song on my iPod and then pretend to go back to reading.

"She's a Hale." Two girls asked.

"She's not necessarily a Cullen." The same deep voice spoke up which actually gave me shivers.

Eventually I heard them all quiet down and leave while others surfed, but that was when I turned and saw Jacob taking a seat next to me while Bella stood there next to him. This had me get up and decided to walk to the shore. It was cold, but thanks to Alice I was completely warm the part where I could feel my nose burning and there was no doubt that it wasn't red.

When I had finally got tired, and decided to take a seat on the sand with the blanket still wrapped around me. And this time I actually turned it on and started listening to Chopin.

"So, where you from?" someone asked pulling my headphones out. I turned to see someone I wasn't in the mood to see.

"Go away, Quil."

"Nope. I'm going to sit here and talk to you."

"Why would you do that?"

"What do you mean why? I like you. I want to get to know you."

Settling (Quil Ateara story)Where stories live. Discover now