2 - Intoxicated Mind Games

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All five of the group stood side by side, staring at me. They wore different styles, and yet looked so similar; they had the same ethereal beauty I hadn't noticed on Daisy alone. But now I saw it in each individual. Daisy grinned at me as she watched me take them in. She knew exactly what I was gaping at.

"Guys, this is May. I want her to join us. Like join the clique."

Apart from Daisy, who was still grinning, they all stared at me with the same cold expression. I squirmed under their hard gaze, feeling like an intruder. An outsider. Daisy's eyes flitted nervously between us all, taking in the tension. They didn't want me here.

"Well, I'll introduce you all! This is Cal!"

She gestured towards the boy to her right. He raised his hand in a lazy greeting. I was seeing Sid Vicious in the flesh, he looked like he belonged in a 70s punk rock band. He had black unruly hair, sticking out at odd angles as if he was constantly raking his hands through it. He probably was. He was sporting all black, a leather jacket over a plain shirt with ripped jeans and combat boots. In a scruffy way, he was striking. And he knew it, if his smirk was anything to go by.

"You've met Skye," Daisy carried on, gesturing to the girl standing next to Cal. They stood in stark contrast, her dark skin glowed against his sallow paleness. Her features were pointed and catlike, her green eyes narrowed at me. She smiled, sly and sharp. Her dreads were pulled into two thick braids, white and black hair twined together. A silver nose ring glinted at me. Her dress was witchy and airy, with long draping sleeves that fell to the ground.

My hand was snatched from me as a blonde head dipped in to kiss it. "Jaspar Laurence. Charmed, I'm sure."

Over his head, I saw Skye glowering at us, until she caught my gaze and smiled thinly. Stay away! a voice in my head screamed. I wasn't getting into the middle of that one, no matter how charming this Jaspar was.

He stood up straight, flashing me a grin. He was so attractive. His dirty blonde hair fell in curls to his sharp jawline. His face has a fine structure, with high and prominent cheekbones. Hazel green eyes were fixed bewitchingly on me, his mouth raised in a half smile that suggested, not unlike Cal, he was aware of his beauty. He did seem more polite than his friend.

I jumped backwards at the sight of a huge, white German Shepherd sniffing around my feet. The dog growled at my sudden movement, making me sink back further.

"He's Cal's Shadow," Jaspar laughed.

Cal flashed a dangerous grin and patted the side of his thigh. In an instant, the dog was at his side, although it kept it's eyes on me. On the stranger.

"What's his name?" I asked weakly.

"He's called Shadow," Cal told me proudly. How stupid of me.

With Pumpkin crossing my mind, I scanned the room and swept the cat into my arms and out of reach of the dog.

A delicate but impatient cough came from the last person to be introduced. Jaspar gestured at the girl standing next to him.

"This is my twin sister, Aurel."

I turned to greet her, but every thought left my head as soon as I caught sight of her. She was captivating. And totally unlike her twin. She had long ebony hair that framed her pale face, which was delicate and doll-like. Usually a sullen look like the one she sported would mar her beauty, but I found it seemed to emphasise the dark look she was clearly striving for. Dark eye make-up was smudged around her green eyes and her lips were tinged a reddish brown. She scowled at me as she smoothed down her skirt. Her black chunky heeled boots made her slightly taller than Jaspar, she'd tower above me even without heels.

The Ambrose Clique - now published on AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now