"It's good to hear." He says before taking a seat on the other free seat across from me.

He breathes in and out before speaking again.

"I'm afraid I am not coming with good news." He says.

"Yes, what was the urgency of this meeting?" Niall asks.

"Well, the other day I was analyzing the finances and bank accounts. Something or someone has been withdrawing money." Liam informs us.

"Withdrawing money? Like stealing money?" Niall asks.

"Exactly." Liam confirms. "I am still working on where the money went and who took it. So far I just know that the amounts of money have been taken in different transitions so it was less perceptible." Liam explains.

"How much did they take?" I ask.

"I can't say in a 100% because as I said I don't know whether certain transitions were made because of known reason or if they were stealing from us." He says. "But it's not a good amount of money or so it seems. Nothing we have to worry though."

"So even though the money was extracted it will not affect Styles INC.?" I ask.

"Not in the slightness. It may have been the purpose but luckily we caught it on time." He says.

"Well then that is good." Niall says with a relieved tone.

"It definitely is good." Liam confirms. "I wanted to let you know what was going on and that I will concentrate on finding out exactly what is happening and who is doing it."

"I know you will Liam. You are a very efficient worker." I say.

"Thank you sir." Liam says.

"Harry." I remind him with a smile.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Thank you Harry." He corrects himself.

We hear a knock on the door again and Joanna appears with a tray with three coffees. She gives me mine first.

"Thank you Joanna." Liam thanks her when she gives him his coffee.

Joanna smiles and nods at Liam before moving towards Niall. She avoids eye contact as she gives him his coffee while Niall also avoid her eyes as he looks to the floor with a serious face. He takes the coffee but doesn't even thank Joanna who just silently leaves the room.

What is happening between Niall and Joanna? Something must have happened while I was away. They were always polite with each other and sometimes Niall over flirted with the poor girl who always turned red like a tomato. But now they are even avoiding eye contact?

Something definitely happened between those two while I was gone.


A/N: FINALLY! I feel like it's been forever since the last time I updated and I got so many things to talk to you about that this is going to be a hell long of update.

First, I finished my exams and now I am free until December so those are good news haha 

Second, I am sorry I couldn't update early that I expected to becuase life got in the way. Remeber that I told you about my computer being death well my computer officially passed away and we got to buy a new one. Yes, I waited for my computer to be repaired for a month but they couldn't do anything to save its life. So a new computer which was a complete disaster at first because I had no idea on how to use it. It has Windows 8 (and updated to 10) and my previous computer was like 5 years old so it got an old version of it which made this one completely unknown and I am still trying to get used/learn how to use everything. I am so bad with technology than this will take some time :/

Third, my support and condolences go to everyone in France and everyone affected by what happened in Paris. Is so sad that people kill each other for their believes (I don't mean just the religious believes btw) than they see fit to hurt innocent people that is just having a good time at a gig or sharing a coffee with some friends. It's so unfair and so heartbreaking. I just wish things like that didn't happen but they don't and sadly they will continue to happen :( I also hate how some people is blaiming this on Sirian refugies. What the hell is wrong with people? They are running from things like this, how dare you blame them for something like this. I just wish society was more open to protect this people that is running from their houses to seek a better future. Instead they are meet by people calling them terrorist. That is simple disguting. Ugh this things make me sick!

Fourth, on a  brighter note, how fucking amazing is Made In The A.M.? I can't stop listening to it! It's great! I don't even know which song I love them most. I think my least favorite is Olivia, I just find it too cheesy (that coming from the queen of cheesiness lol) but I don't know. I can't choose a favorite rn but I will let you know if I decide on one (or more than one) in the next updates.

Fifth, talking about updates, be ready because I will be updating again in a few hours! I want to give you a bit more since I been out of here for so long (or at least it felt too long for me). So after the X Factor and the Xtra Factor since queen Rochelle said she is interview the boys on the show, I will be updating again.

Sorry for the long ass a/n but I wanted to talk to you about so many things! Hope you enjoyed it, see you in a few hours!

PS: Niall and Joanna...what is going on between them? Let me know what you think.

Mrs CEO (Harry Styles AU) - Sequel to Mr CEOWhere stories live. Discover now