Eyeliner♂30 Part 2

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i only just realised that wattpad fucked up and not all of my last chapter posted so here's how it was supposed to end.

dan was never one for violence. he liked to avoid it at all costs. but today had to be an exception.

someone who clearly had it out for dan, probably saw him smiling at his phone and just got very curious. somehow this random guy swiped dan's phone out of his hand and another pinned him to the lockers.

"aw diddums? texting mummy are we?"

"shut up" dan growled at him trying to get out of the arms of the other.

"ooh wait look at this? who's philly dan? is he your boyfriend?" they kept teasing him

"oh jack pot! look! he is your boyfriend isn't he?" dan watched helplessly as the other boy scrolled through his and phil's text messages "oh how adorable!"

"i swear to god grayson" dan spat at him "give it back"

"why should i?" grayson teased him and began slowly walking towards dan "what do i get in return?"

he must've not realised how long dan's legs were as once he was close enough, dan was able to kick him in between the legs. grayson then fell to his knees in pain, dropping dan's phone in the process.

the boy that was holding dan let go of him and sprinted off, probably not wanting to get involved in the fight that was obviously about to happen. grayson quickly got up and swiped dan's legs causing him to hit the floor.

"fuck" gasped dan shutting his eyes in pain

he opened his eyes up to see the sole of grayson's shoe right above him. he quickly rolled away dodging the kick and stood up.

punches were thrown back and forth between the two boys not acknowledging the principal striding them both.

"howell! williams!" he shouted at the two causing them to freeze.

dan couldn't get in trouble now. he just couldn't. his parents were counting on him to get his grades back up.

he quickly grabbed his bag and phone from the floor and sprinted down the corridor ignoring the shouts from the principal.

he ran into the boys bathroom and took out his phone. he scrolled down to phil's contact and hit call.

the phone rang for a second before it cut off. dan stared at the screen in anger.

the one time he needed phil, phil declined his call.

hai ^_^ also i thought i should tell you guys my favourite books to read :D and feel free to comment your own books and i'll read them!


asl? and dear diary by -tronnor

high on you by olibersykez

demonic by fearmeplease

reply plz by awonderwallofmystery


online secrets by raisedbymusicc

illegal love raisedbymusicc

homeless by mxdications


cheerleader by ptvkellinquinn

fake it till you make it by katisme1215


a bullet through a flock of doves by sinn_iero88

the institute by deathtodestiny

disgusting by falloutlola

a revolution on canvas by potatoyoghurt

im going to be frank about this by zeelalife;))))))

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