Lusting: Chapter 26

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*Mrs. Giovanni



March 14

Jessica P.O.V

"Now all you have to do is replace my name with hers." I said helping Taylor up.

"Do you think this will work?" He asked sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

"I don't know to be honest. You are having a child by someone else. She probably thought she was going to be the first to have yours. So you really have to sit down and talk to her before proposing."

"I know." He sighed. "We've been on and off for so long and I can't be away from her no longer."

"Just call her and y'all go out tonight. Sit down and really talk to her, tell her how you feel and let her talk too. Don't go and popping the question you have to wait. Give it some time and when you feel the time is right then you could ask her."

"I know I have prepare myself for this."

"How long have you guys been together?"

"Going on six year on and off." He looked at his watch. "I have to get going." He stood up and I walked around my desk. He pulled my into a hug, "Thank you." He whispered.

"No problem." I pulled away. "You better treat her right too."

"Trust me I will." He picked up his blazer. "I have a child on the way, I can't keep being wild and I'm getting to old for this."

"You say that now."

"I promise." He chuckled. "I'll talk to you later."

"All right." He walked out and I sat back down at my desk..


"Hey baby, are you ready?" Shawn said as he walked into my office.

"Almost just let me give these files to Mr. Giovanni and pack up then I'll be ready." He nodded and sat down.

I walked out my off and to Mr. Giovanni's office. I knocked two and waited.

The door opened and Mrs. Giovanni opened the door. "Hello Ms. White."

"Hello Mrs. Giovanni, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine ready to have this baby."

"When are you having him?"

"May 23rd."

"Isn't that your birthday?"

"Sure is." She smiled. "How have you been?"

"I've been good and expecting."

"Congratulations." She pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you."

"Ladi can you leave my worker alone." Mr. Giovanni said.

"It's okay." I said handing him the files.

"Is that the last?" He asked.


"I'll see you tomorrow then."

"All right. Bye." I walked to the door. "Nice seeing you again Mrs. Giovanni."

"You too darling."

I walked out and went back to my office. Shawn had all my things packed and he sat in the chair playing on his phone. He turned around and looked at me.

"I gathered all your things." He stood up and handed me my keys and phone.

"Thank you." I reached for my bags but he picked them up. "I got it."

"I do too."


"Let's go." He opened the door and guided me out.

"Bye Joey."

"Bye best bitch, bye Shawn."

"Bye J." We got in the elevator and I pressed the button.

"Where is Dre?"

"With my moms." He chuckled. "She trying to show him off saying her grandson look better then her friends." I giggled and stepped out the elevator.

"My grandma was the same way with me and my sister." He opened the car door for me and out my things in the back seat. "Now that I think about it, it was embarrassing."

He laughed and pulled off. "How was your day though?"

"It was easy. I helped Taylor with this little surprise and had a little work."

"You wasn't on your feet to much?"

"No and Taylor massaged them when I ate lunch for making me help him, how was you day?"

"Chilled with Dre and went to lunch with my moms. We went back to her house for a little while and then I came to get you."

"When do you go back to work?"

"Next week." He reached in the arm rest and pulled out a box.

"What's this?" He handed me the box.

"You remember you complained when you broke your favorite earrings and I said I was going to get them fixed. Well that's them." I opened them and they looked brand new.

"You didn't have to do this."

"I know." He pulled in my driveway. He got my bags out and helped me out. "When was the last time you talked to Janey?"

"Yesterday she should be coming with her partner and crime."

"Daisy." I nodded.

"Can you massage my back?" I looked up at him. "Please." I kissed his lips.


"Let me change first." I went upstairs and changed out of my work clothes into a big shirt and some night shorts.

I walked back downstairs and Shawn was eating an apple and talking on the phone.

"All right ma.... next week.... I'll do it.... okay.... love you.... bye." I sat on his lap and took his apple.

"We can start now." I bit his apple. He took it back and finished it. He tapped my thigh and stood up. I wrapped my legs around him as we went into the kitchen.

"You know you are to tall for this."

"Yeah but it's fun." I pecked his lips over and over until we got back into the living room. He laid me down and started massaging my back.

He massaged my back until we both went to sleep.

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