Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

          “Hello? Pikachu? Are you there?” I called out, my voice echoing from the cliffs. “Woah my voice echoes!” I exclaimed, grinning when my voice came back to me. “This is so cool!”

          I walked around, looking for Pikachu and wondering if he was actually following me around but I couldn't see him because he had turned himself invisible. If ghosts could even do that. After a while, I sat down on the edge of the cliff, with my feet dangling over the edge and started yelling random words and hearing them echo back to me. 

          “PURPLE DUCKS FLY POLKA DOTTED UNICORNS!” I yelled, laughing when my voice came back to me.

          “Having fun?” an amused voice asked. I jumped, turning to see Pikachu standing behind me.

          “WOAH THERE YOU ALMOST MADE ME FALL OF THE CLIFF!” I shouted, scrambling away from the edge.

          “That would have been awesome!” Pikachu said, grinning. I glared at him, standing up and brushing off my pants. “Why are you here anyways?” he asked.

          “I wanted to ask you some questions.” I said, taking out my clipboard and tucking a pen behind my ear. Pikachu raised an eyebrow at me. “First of all, WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU KILLING PEOPLE? WHAT IS THE MATTAH WITH YOU?” I yelled. Pikachu looked taken aback from my sudden outburst.


          “Nope. Don't even start with your excuses, woman,” I said, holding up a hand.

          “But I'm not a--”

          “I said don't start.”  I gave him an evil glare and scribbled down some nonsense on the clipboard like professional people did. “Second question, can ghosts turn invisible?” I asked curiously.

          “Duh, we’re ghosts,” Pikachu said, rolling his eyes. I gasped.

          “Woah that is so cool! Do it right now!” I said, jumping up and down excitedly. Pikachu watched the ground under me. After a few minutes, I frowned at him. “What are you doing?”

          “I’m waiting for the cliff to fall from your jumping. That would be epic,” he said, still staring at the ground. I snapped my fingers in front of his face to get him to look away.

          “No, that would not be epic. What would be epic is if you would turn invisible for me.”

          Pikachu sighed heavily like I was an annoying little kid.  ”I’m already invisible, stupid.  You’re just a ghost whisperer.  So you can see us,” he said, giving me a “duh” expression.  “Think before you ask you’re next question.” 

          “You’re so mean,” I said pouting.  “It’s not my fault that I’m new to this ghost whispering stuff.”

          “Kid, you don't even know the half of it,” Pikachu said.

          “Alright, well, who is this Lucian guy?” I asked, holding my pen above the clipboard in preparation for his answer.

          “He’s another ghost.  You wanna go meet him?” Pikachu asked. I paused in the middle of scribbling down random nonsense on the clipboard.

          “Sure,” I said light-heartedly, but I wasn't so sure if it was a good idea. I mean, what if Lucian was like some super evil guy who killed me as soon as he saw me? That would be bad.    

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