Chapter 2

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Thank you so much to @ShaiiKawaii for the amazing cover! :) 

Chapter 2:

          I glanced at Carter in confusion and he looked at me with the same expression. Then he looked like he zoned out for a second before he shook his head and looked at me with panicked eyes.

          “We have to get out of here!” he said, jumping out of the chair so fast it toppled over. I stood up too, wondering what in the world was happening. Why did we have to evacuate the ship? Were pirates trying to kill us?

          “What’s going on?” I asked, hurrying after Carter, who was rushing out the door.

          “I’ll explain later, right now we should really get off this ship,” Carter said. Suddenly, the door that led to the cabins burst open and people began pouring out. I immediately lost Carter in the crowd. Someone grabbed my arm and I turned to see my Mom.

          “Andrea, what’s happening?” she asked in a shrill voice.

          “I don't know Mom, but I think we have to get off the ship.”

          “But what about all our things? My jewelry! And my clothes!” Mom gasped. I quickly started pulling her to the exit before she could go back.

          “We can't get them now Mom, pirates might be attacking!”

          “What? I'm pretty sure there are no pirates on this side of the ocean Andrea. You and your silly imagination,” Mom said, rolling her eyes. “Now, I'm going back in real quick to grab some clothes. We can't live without clothes, can we? You get off the ship and I’ll be right there.” Before I could argue, Mom had disappeared back into the cabins.

          “EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEAVE THE SHIP RIGHT NOW. WE HAVE DISCOVERED A LEAK IN THE SHIP AND THE SHIP IS SINKING. EVERYONE MUST EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY,” the captain’s voice came over the speakers. I sighed in annoyance then ran after Mom.

          “Mom! Mom, forget the clothes, we need to leave!” I shouted as I burst into our room where Mom was placing clothes, makeup and jewelry into a bag.

          “But honey, I'm almost done,” she said, putting a few necklaces into the bag carefully.

          “Mom, didn't you hear? The ship’s sinking!” I said, waving my arms around for emphasis.

          “The Captain said it was a leak. Leaks just don't sink ships in the blink of an eye, Andrea. The Captain just wants us to get off before the ship starts to sink,” Mom said calmly. She finished putting in her jewelry and zipped up the bag. “Okay, now I am done.” Just as she finished talking, the ship shuddered. I grabbed my mom’s hand and dragged her towards the entrance, ignoring her as she yelled out that I was ruining her newly done nails.  As we got to the main deck, most people were already gone.  The ship suddenly shook again, and it started to tilt to one side, causing both of us to go careening to the side and crash into the railing.   

          “Oof,” Mom grunted. I quickly pushed myself off the wall. We had to get out of here, right now.  I led us to the side of the boat where they had small lifeboats to row to the island right there.   I hopped in, Mom hesitantly stepping into the lifeboat as if it was the dirtiest thing she had ever touched.  I rolled my eyes in annoyance.  

          “Ready?” the man with us asked, holding the oars.  I nodded and we rowed to the sandy beach, which only took a few minutes.  Once we reached the shore, we stepped out of the small lifeboat.  Mom got out and started to fall over in the heels she was wearing.  I caught her elbow at the last second and she smiled graciously at me.  

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