Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

          “Lalalalala,” I sang as I skipped to the area where everyone was gathered. Carter gave me a weird look but didn't say anything. “I wonder what type of food they eat. Oh God.”  I stopped suddenly, my eyes wide. “They don't eat raw meat or something do they?”  Carter burst out laughing.

          “No, they don't. They eat cooked meat and other food that they make using the resources at the island. They have like a bunch of hunters and fruit pickers and other jobs like that. It's really cool. I think I should go with the hunters one day and help them out. I've always loved some good meat.” Carter sighed dreamily and this time it was me who gave him the weird look.

          “Hey, does anyone want to learn their native language with me?” Damon asked suddenly, looking excited.

          “Um, no. It would take years to learn their language,” Carter said.

          “Aww come on Carter! It’ll be fun!” Damon said, hopping around eagerly. I couldn't help but laugh.

          “How old are you?” I asked.

          “Im 21, why do you ask?” Damon said, looking over at Carter with a secretive grin. Carter rolled his eyes.

          “You act like you're a little kid,” I said, laughing.

          “Me? Pssht no, I'm actually very mature for my age, if I do say so myself,” Damon said, looking proud.

          “Ha, no. You? Mature? That’s a great joke, Damon. Very funny,” Carter said, snorting. Damon looked offended, putting a hand to his heart.

          “Oh Carter, my little brother, I thought you loved me! Why must you be so mean and uncaring?” Damon sniffed and wiped away a fake tear.

          “Cause you're annoying.”  Carter gave Damon a flat look. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I burst out laughing, doubling over and clutching my sides as I laughed.

          “Oh my gosh, this is so funny. You guys should totally be comedians!” I said when I got my laughter under control.

          “I was a comedian once,” Damon stated.

          “Really?” Carter and I asked at the same time.

          “Yup. I was the best one out there. The people loved me! But alas, like all great comedians, I retired.”  Damon sighed and shook his head sadly. We stepped behind a huge line that was forming in front of a table and one of the natives handed each of us a plate. As the line moved forward, different natives would place food in the plate.  Soon my plate was completely full of an arrangement of different meats and strange looking berries and vegetables.  

          “I can’t eat all of this,” I whined, picking up one of the strange berries and examining it.  Before I could change my mind, I popped it into my mouth, releasing a burst of exotic sweet flavors.  “These are good,” I said, finishing the rest of those berries.  I reached out a hand casually towards Carter’s plate, hoping to get a berry, but he pulled it away at the last second.

          “Nope, not happening,” he said, chuckling.  “Finish the rest of your own food first.”

          “But there’s just so much,” I said, eyeing the two different kinds of meat and poking them.  “Don’t they have forks for some of this?  It’s kinda...icky,” I said, making a face.

          “Grow up,” Carter said simply before picking up his own meat with his bare hands and biting into it.

          “Eww, but that’s not even clean!  I didn’t even wash my hands!  What if they didn’t cook the meat right?  What if I get salmonella?” I said, starting to seriously worry.  

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