Chapter 8: A New Arrival

Start from the beginning

I slowly walked over to her full length mirror only to gasp when I saw the girl standing in front of me. It was unbelievable as to how different I looked, I wasn't myself, and that scared me. Libby placed her hand on my shoulder, grinning.

"You look stunning Sky."

"I think I almost believe you," I managed to choke out.

"Of course I'm going to lend you some makeup, clothes, curlers, straighteners and accessories but eventually I'll take you shopping're going to need essentials," she muttered, scanning her eyes over my once again.

I widened my eyes, "whoa...what do you mean? I thought this was a one off makeover chick thing," I said. She simply laughed and shook her head

"Meet the new you," she said, moving my head towards the mirror again. I wanted to say no, that I didn't want to look this way and feel this way, but I couldn't help but feel good for once. I nodded it her as I grinned at the mirror, biting my cheek at the same time to stop myself from crying.

"Okay, let's do this." I said, agreeing with her as she gave me a devlish grin.


"Calm down Sky, you look good, all you have to do is walk down that hallway," Libby said, trying to calm me down after I noticed all the stares. I sighed and turned away from her, she didn't understand, I was a joke. The entire time I've attended this school; I was a nobody, meaningless. Who was I now? I didn't want the amount of makeup I wear, the fashionable outfits I wear and the style of my hair to cloud people's judgement. I was still the same girl, but I knew for a fact that everyone would forget that.

"I'll be with you, no one will have the guts to utter a single word," she added, giving my nerves a little break. Maybe I should just do it...she's with me, right? But this is Libby. This could just be a prank. 'Makeover Mockery', the school newspaper will scream by tomorrow. Could I really trust her? But I already have...

"Okay," I breathed, much to my dismay. She grinned and linked her arm with my own. This was new. Our friendship was born yesterday and yet I could almost say it feels longer than that. I think I really have misjudged her the entire time I've known her...

"C'mon," she said as we turned around to walk down the hallway, I simply sighed and nodded. She was right, we had to do this; I had to do this. That's when I froze. The moment I heard that voice, the voice that I hadn't heard in a while, one of the voices I was missing. All the memories flooded back into my mind.

"Sky! Hey Sky!" I heard Harry scream.

"Over here!" Jayden yelled.

Oh dear Lord.

Libby forced a smile and dragged me with her towards The Four, but that's when I noticed. There was no four, there was only three and the only one missing was the one I had been dying to see the most.


"Boys," Libby greeted, the boys replied cheerfully. I gave them a small smile and each had noticed my lack of enthusiasm. Then I felt Harry throw his arm over my shoulder and give me a huge grin.

"Looking beautiful I see."

I blushed and broke my eyes away from his.

I didn't react well with compliments.

Harry pinched my cheek, grinning as a satisfied look found its way on his face. I simply glared at him. He was really annoying. Matt sent me a little wink, watching the spectacle. I groaned and pushed Harry off me.

"Where's Cole?" Libby asked, eyeing the boys warily. I furrowed my brows, they still hadn't mentioned of his whereabouts. What if he decided to leave permanently? What if he forgets about me?

Then it hit me.

Why would he remember me in the first place?

"Hey, why the sad face?" Matt frowned, concern filling up his eyes.

"Nothing, I'm fine!" I said, biting the inside of my cheek to stop my tears from gushing out like they wanted to. I couldn't cry in front of the boys, they'd know why. I couldn't have that.

"I want some fro-yo," Jayden sighed. We all snapped our heads to him and raised our brows. Jayden was always the weird one...

"Leave me alone!" I snapped as Harry began fiddling with my hair. The other two boys simply laughed and Libby stood silently, watching us. She was thinking of something, I could tell that by the look on her face. Curiosity was coursing through my veins by the time I was struggling with Harry. What was she thinking?

"You better do as she says." A new voice behind me said,

Wait...I know that voice. I excused myself a second to think of who the voice could belong to. Then it hit me...

I spun around to face him.

"Riley," I muttered.

A/N: it's been ages since I updated, so here you are. I hope you enjoyed it! Wow, Riley...anyway, please vote/comment/follow if you haven't already! Thank you:D -NYC678 x


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