He quickly cupped Clint's face in his hands and slammed their lips together. The crowd gathering around them seemed to disappear as they only focused on each others lips.

Clint, always being over the top, began nipping at Pietro's lip causing the younger man to moan softly. They pulled back with a grin and Clint couldn't help but let his sappy side show.

"I love you too, Pietro. So damn much," he chuckled and pecked his lips once more.

Pietro giggled and pulled Clint with him farther down the street to their destination. They ignored all the catcalls, whistles, and grimaces that were sent their way because they were happy. That's all that mattered.

"You know, since you love me so much, you should tell me where we're going," Clint said anxiously.

Pietro just shook his head stubbornly with a smile.

"I've been working hard to take you out and you just want to spoil it all?"

"Can I have a hint?"

"Yeah, it involves you and me," Pietro laughed.

"Hmm," Clint pondered before smirking, "Is it a five-star hotel and a bottle of champagne?"

"No, Clint," Pietro laughed.

Clint whined and Pietro rolled his eyes with a smile.

"This is it," Pietro said stopping in front of an expensive looking restaurant. Clint turned around his eyes widened and jaw hung slack.

"Here?" He asked in shock.

"You don't like it?" Pietro asked nervously. He wanted this night to be perfect.

"No, no. I love it," Clint insisted because, yeah, he did love it. He's never been to a place this upscale in his life.

He quickly opened the door for Pietro and let him leave the way. When they got to the hostess table, Pietro told her the name that the reservation was under.

Clint smiled and held his boyfriend's hand because he really thought this through. It made Clint feel even more loved.

Pietro and Clint were led to their table and they smiled at each other as they sat down, facing each other. The waiter came by and asked if they'd like any wine to start off their evening. Pietro just looked at Clint and raised a brow.

"Oh, I can pick?" Clint grinned.

After briefly skimming the wine list, Clint ordered the most expensive bottle. Handing the menu back, he grinned at his boyfriend.

Pietro just shook his head at his high maintenance boyfriend, but smiled because he's the one that fell in love with him.

Time passes and the couple are laughing, flirting, and conversing over their expensive, gourmet meals. However, with every second that goes by, Pietro is getting more nervous.

The speedster excused himself to the men's room and had to forced his legs to walk there. In the bathroom, he desperately tried to calm down by taking deep breaths and fixing his silver locks in the mirror.

"Getting ready to propose?" A man said noticing Pietro's behavior. Pietro looked at the man who starting washing his hands and noticed he was a waiter.

"Yeah, something like that," Pietro said with a nervous smile.

"I'm sure she'll say yes," the waiter smiled, patting Pietro on the back before leaving the men's room.

"Yeah, I hope he does."

Pietro smiled at himself in the mirror and patted the small, black box in his pocket before returning to the table.

"You okay?" Clint asked his pale looking boyfriend.

"Clint, I need to tell you what I really spent most of my money on."

Clint, suddenly just as nervous, set his eating utensils down so he focus on what the other Avenger was about to tell him. His mind was racing with possibilities but he didn't want to get ahead of himself.

Pietro opened the small, black box and placed it on the table. Clint's eyes instantly widened as his heart rate sped up.


"It's a promise ring," Pietro cut in, "for you to keep while I'm gone."

Clint took the beautiful, silver band out the box and examined it. It had a black engraving in it that looked like a curvy line.

"Um- it's a heart. I have the other half," Pietro said noticing Clint trying to decipher what the marking was. The younger man took the ring he kept for himself out of his pocket and handed it to Clint.

Clint pushed the two rings together and noticed that the diamond curve of Pietro's ring was the perfect other half to his black, half heart.

"Babe, you didn't have to do this," Clint said in awe. He handed Pietro's back to him and slid his own on his ring finger.

"I know, but I did because I love you. And I promise to love you and stay loyal to you even when I'm halfway across the world," Pietro said reaching out to hold Clint's hand in his own.

Clint gladly took it with a smile before responding, "Pinky promise?"

Pietro couldn't help but laugh at his boyfriend as he pouted and placed the hand, that Pietro wasn't holding, up with his pinky sticking in the air.

Pietro kissed his boyfriend's hand, right on his promise ring, before looping their pinky fingers together.

"Pinky promise."


Hawksilver <3

I'm sorry this chapter took so long! I'm thinking they'll only be 3 more chapters left.

I've been reading comments about new stories I should start but I'm not sure yet. I really want to do an AU of some kind.

I still need to catch up one shots gahhh!

Okay thanks for all the love and support for my stories. You guys are the best.


Changing My Life [Book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin