Chapter 27

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Tony's POV

"How was the date?" Tasha asked coming into the kitchen for our usual coffee breakfast. I smiled and poured two cups from the freshly brewed pot.

"It was great," I replied.

She nodded and took her cup of coffee. "I'm guessing Pepper is irrelevant now," she said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah, moved out and gone."

It was silent for a while as we sipped our over caffeinated beverages.

"Are you happy?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. Are you happy now?" She countered.

I smiled softly, "This is the happiest I've ever been."

She smiled but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at something over my shoulder.

"Speaking of happiness-" she smiled causing me to turn around and see what she meant.

Large arms wrapped around my waist when I turned around. It was accompanied by bright blue eyes and a huge smile.

"Hey, honey." He greeted before kissing my cheek.

"Morning, sweetheart," I laughed softly.

"Honey? Sweetheart? You guys are practically married already," Tasha laughed before leaving me alone in the kitchen with Steve.

Steve's cheeks were covered in a light blush when I looked back at him. I smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek before escaping his arms.

"Why are you blushing?" I wondered.

"Nothing, I just didn't know if you would like 'honey'. Pietro said I should have a name for you since you have quite a few for me," Steve explained rubbing the back of his neck.

I nearly cooed at the sight because he looked so adorable and nervous.

"Baby, it's fine," I reassured, "What are you doing taking relationship advice from Pietro?" I joked.

His face became even more red causing me to laugh. He rolled his eyes because he knew this was amusing to me.

"Pietro's a good friend. He was just trying to help," Steve said with a small smile. He was trying not to give into my amusement, but it wasn't working.

"Yeah, well you keep listening to him and you could end up with a drawer full of sex toys," I joked.

Steve's eyes widened as he studdered, "W-What?"

"Yeah, Pietro is the type that's only innocent on the first layer," I laughed. Even though Steve was as red as a tomato, I felt as if he was one of those types. Innocent on the outside but a freak on the inside.

"Are you guys talking about me?" The silver haired speedster asked, stepping into the kitchen to grab an apple. Steve and I responded simultaneously.



I grinned and Steve face palmed at my honesty. Pietro only bit into his apple and shrugged.

"When are we leaving, Steve?" Pietro asked instead.

"Where are you guys going?" I questioned.

"That's what I came in here to tell you. I'm going to get a job," Steve explained.

I nearly spit my coffee out.

"What? Why?" I asked shocked and confused.

"Because you don't get paid for being a hero and I can't keep using your money," he said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Why not? I don't mind-"

"Tony, please," he begged, "It won't be forever. Just enough to take you out on a date and buy you something nice with my own, hard earned money."

I sighed because I could tell this meant a lot to him. I didn't want to stop him from doing something that he really wanted to do. Especially if it was for me.

No one had ever bought me something nice before that wasn't with my own money. Last Christmas, Clint asked me if he could borrow a million dollars only to give it back to me along with a cheesy card that said 'Have a million dollar Christmas, Bestie.'

"Okay, fine, but only because you really want too. Besides, the hero business has been slow lately," I said putting my mug in the sink.

Steve grinned from ear to ear before planting a kiss on my forehead and embracing me in a huge bear hug.

"Thank you for trusting me. I promise I won't let you down," he said still smiling.

"I know you won't," I said confidently before kissing his cheek.

"Can we go now?" Pietro whined.

I glared at the speedster that had just finished his fruit. He tossed the core of his apple in the trash can before staring at Steve expectingly.

"You're taking Roadrunner job hunting?" I asked.

Pietro laughed dryly at his nickname and responded, "He can't invite his best friend?"

I held my hands up in surrender and Steve laughed.

"We'll be back in a few hours," Steve said kissing my cheek before leaving with Pietro in tow.

"Where are they going?"

I whipped around and saw Clint standing there with red eyes and disheveled hair.

"Steve wants to get a job," I informed with the shake of my head. "And I have no idea why Pietro is going."

"Yeah. Me neither," Clint deadpanned.

He took a seat on a barstool and I followed suit. I could tell something was wrong with him, so I looked over the news on my tablet until he spoke up.

"Pietro told me you helped him find his family," he started.

My heart dropped to my feet because I knew where this was going. Pietro and Wanda had asked me to do some digging for extended family when they first joined the team.

When I finally got a hit, they were ecstatic. They would have left that day if we hadn't been called in for a mission. They made a deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. to leave in the spring.

"Clint, I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about that," I replied honestly.

Clint only shook his head miserably. I patted his back for comfort.

"It hurts," he said, his voice sounding scratchy. "He's leaving me."

"Do you love him?" I wondered.

"I'm almost sure of it,"he responded confidently.

"Then you guys will be okay," I said matter-a-factly.

"How do you know? I'll never see him," he said dropping his forehead onto the counter in defeat.

"Because you still love him even though he's leaving. You'd rather suffer heartache than let him go."

Clint picked his head up then and stared at me with those wild blue, green eyes.

"That might be the best advice you've ever given me," Clint joked before wiping his eyes discreetly.

"I know. I'm a great friend," I laughed.


Omg these next chapters are gonna be....I don't even know how to describe them!


I can't wait for you guys to read them XD

Make sure to tell me what you thought of this chapter because I love reading what you guys think!

Thanks so much & byeee!

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