Chapter 5

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Steve's POV

"Hey, did you hear the news?" Natasha asked from the door of the gym the next morning. I woke up this morning and came straight down here to think.

"No, what's happening?" I asked unwrapping the guaze and tape from my wrist.

"Thor's coming back today and we're throwing a party, " she informed. I nodded and stretched my hands out.


"You should invite Ace," she said with a sly smile.

"Oh, no. You're not getting me into any more trouble," I said with a chuckle. She laughed and took a few steps inside the room.

"I think it's better this way," she shrugged. "Now, you can be with whoever you want without having to hide it."

I scoffed at the words "whoever I want" because that wasn't the case.

"Alright, maybe I will invi-"

"Yes! Great. Tell him that the party starts at seven but the fun starts at eight," she winked.

Before I could get out another word, she turned and disappeared out the door.

I finished packing up my things and made my way to my room to take a shower.

Once the hot shower water was running down my body, I let my mind wander to Ace.

I hadn't got his number the other night so I'll just have to head back to Dominic's and ask him. I smiled at the thought of seeing him again. Hopefully he would say yes to the invitation.

The only thing I was a bit wary about was letting him meet the other Avengers. Especially since they just found out about my sexual orientation yesterday.

This might be awkward but, if I'm being completely honest with myself, I wanted to see Ace again.

He made me feel something. I'm not sure what that feeling is yet but it beats being alone.

Tony's POV

"You're always at meetings," I complained over the phone.

"I know, Tony, but it's your tech company that I'm running-"

"Then, cancel it. I want you here tonight," I argued.

Pepper laughed, "You're such a baby."

"Please," I whined again, "everyone else is going to be here. Even Jane taking time of work to come to the party.

"Okay, okay. I'll call a jet and-"

"There's already one waiting outside your office for you," I said proudly.

"Alright," she laughed again, "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Kay, see you then." I smiled and hung up the phone.

"Jarvis, lock up shop for me. I've got a party to plan," I said. The lights began dimming as I walked out.

"Of course, Sir."


"Where's he at?"

"He's with Wanda and Pietro in the main living room," Natasha responded.

I made my way to the living room area to find the star of the party.

"Hey, Point Break!" I greeted with a laugh. "I was beginning to think you forgot about us here on Earth."

"How could I forget you, Stark?" Thor said with smile. I reached on to shake his hand in greeting but he just used it to pull me in for a bone crushing hug.

Literally, I could barely breath.

Thankfully, he let me go and I took a huge, exaggerated breath.

"I forgot you are merely a mortal," he chuckled deeply. I rolled my eyes and straightened my collared shirt underneath my vest.

"Say, have you seen Rogers' guy friend? It's a bit strange is it not? I've never seen it on Asgard but if Steve is happy-"

"Guy friend?" I said cutting Thor off.

Please tell me Steve didn't bring that Ace guy.

"Oh, yes. They just left over that way," Thor said with wave of his hand. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Jealous, are we?" Natasha whispered to me. My eyes widened and I stared at her in disbelief.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed, "jealous of what?"

She only shrugged and smiled mysteriously, "Pepper asked to see you in the kitchen."

I glared at her before going to find my girlfriend. She was, indeed, standing in the kitchen along with Jane. They were both talking to someone in front of them. It wasn't until I was by her side that I realized it was Steve and, who I'm guessing is, Ace.

"Hey, Tony! Why didn't you tell me Steve had a boyfriend?" Pepper asked cheerfully. Jane was smiling at them too and I nearly threw up in my mouth at the word boyfriend.

Steve's eyes grew wide and he shook head, "Oh, no. We're not- He's not-"

"It's not official," Ace said cooly and sent Steve a fond smile. Steve blushed adorably and I felt a pain in my chest.

As if Ace was just noticing me, he smiled and extended his hand.

"I'm Ace," he beamed, "Ace Carter."

"Tony," I replied curtly. Even though I didn't want to, I shook his hand. Him and Jane began talking about something that I didn't really care about so I took the opportunity to size him up.

He was as tall as Steve, which was a lot taller than me. He was wearing black jeans and grey collared shirt.

His brown hair was pushed up out of his bright green eyes and he had stubble across his chin.

I rolled my eyes because I didn't think he was that attractive. Not as attractive as me.

When I zoned back in, the girls were loving Ace. Why do girls love gay guys? I will never understand it.

"I'm going to introduce Ace to some more people. You guys have fun," Steve smiled and Ace took his hand.

I rolled my eyes and Steve made eye contact with me before being pulled away by Ace. I just stared at his back because the way Steve looked at me was... Different.

A flicker of emotions occurred in his eyes but as soon it was there-- it was gone.


Okay! So I dont like breaking one scene into two chapters but all of you know that I write with a lot detail so the next chapter is the party continued...

The reason I didn't put it with this is because a lot more drama n stuff happens in that one and would have made this chapter like 3,000 words long lol

But don't worry! I'll try to post it within the next few days so you don't completely forget what's happening.

Has everyone (that's in school) started yet? How is it?

I have a Marvel bookbag xD

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting! You guys are literally the best!


Changing My Life [Book 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon