Chapter 22

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I'm so happy (I got my piercing!) Xx

My best friend sent me this picture so I decided to post this chapter with it included :)

5SOS new album dropped today and I'm just...omg I'm so happy!

Please enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think!!

I've been Sooo busy, but I'm getting back to writing soon. So, don't worry!

I love you guys and byeee!

Steve's POV

"Hey, Barton? Do you have any mouthwash?"

"Yeah, check in the laundry room. It's the second door down," Clint instructed when he poked his head out of his room door.

"Thanks," I smiled and turned to follow his instructions.

"You and Tony doing something naughty in my house, Rogers?" Clint called out from his room. I turned around from the closet where I'd grabbed the mouthwash and a few extra toothbrushes to see Clint with a smirk on his face.

"I could say the same about you and Pietro," I said closing the closet door.

Clint's smile dropped causing me to laugh.

"Have a good night," I commented before making a beeline for Tony's and my room for the night.

When I walked in Tony was just getting off the phone and he looked irritated.

"Everything all right?" I said walking to the connected bathroom. He said something that I couldn't quite hear because I was running my toothbrush under the water of the faucet.

"What was that?" I asked, poking my head out the bathroom door while beginning to brush my teeth.

"I broke up with Pepper," he repeated, throwing his phone onto the bed.

My toothbrush nearly fell out of my mouth as I stared at him in disbelief. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to kiss him or tell him they would work things out.

I cleared my throat, "um, is everything okay?"

"Yeah we just," Tony plopped down on the bed, "we need a break."

He didn't seem very concerned so I just let it go. I finished brushing my teeth and using the mouthwash when I felt arms wrap around my waist.



"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you," he said nuzzling his face into my back. I watched my face redden in the mirror with his arms around me.

"Why are you hugging me?"

"Because you're warm," he replied, pressing his cheek against my back and sighing in content.

"Tony," I took a deep breath to steady my voice, "we should get to bed."

He unwrapped his arms from around me and I immediately missed his touch but I pushed past it. He started brushing his teeth and I went to get in the bed.

Tony turned the light off before scooting in the bed close to me. Very close.

"Why are you so close?" I asked the smaller man who's chest was pressed up against my back.

Changing My Life [Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt