Chapter 30

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3rd POV

The only women on the Avengers team made their way downstairs to the training room. Expecting a perfectly clean room, they were caught off guard by seeing half the room tore apart, a floor covered in arrows, and two sleeping men right in the middle of it.

Natasha and Wanda looked at each other before grinning. Natasha went over to Tony and Wanda stood above Clint. On the silent count of three, they both poured their water bottles out on the sleeping Avengers.

Tony shot up immediately, but Clint just groaned.

"Leave me alone. Can't you see I'm heart broken," the archer said groggily.

"What the hell was that for?" Tony grumbled.

"That was to wake you up," Natasha laughed.

"Why are you heart broken?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Pietro doesn't love me anymore," Clint groaned, rolling over like he wasn't soaking wet. The two women just laughed.

"Barton, my brother is upstairs waiting for you as we speak," Wanda laughs.

Clint shoots up then. Not just sits up, but jumps all the way up and grasps Wanda by her shoulders.

"He is?"

"Yes, he said you guys had a date planned he wanted to surprise you by getting off work."

"Slick little bastard," Clint grinned and kissed her cheek before running eagerly upstairs to his boyfriend. Tony felt even more lonely.

"No chance Steve is going to surprise me either, huh?" He asked sadly.

"I'm sorry," Wanda said, instantly feeling the pain Tony felt.

"Actually," Natasha spoke up, "he did say he was off work tomorrow."

Tony just waved it off.

"Forget it. Doesn't mean anything," he said, pain leaking through his words, as he trudged out of the room that his friend just sprinted out of.


After their fun day in the city, Clint and Pietro walked the night down the New York streets. Pietro told Clint he had a surprise for him, but wouldn't tell him where, or what, it was.

"Seriously, why can't you tell me?" Clint asked his boyfriend again as they walked.

"I can't surprise my boyfriend?" Pietro said with a crooked smirk. Clint just smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I thought you were cheating on me," Clint admitted.

Pietro stopped in his tracks, almost causing a human car accident with all the people walking behind him. Clint stopped also and raised his brow at the speedsters peculiar behavior.

Pietro just stared at his lover with pale, blue eyes. Clint really wished Pietro would just talk because he couldn't read the expression on his face.

"I love you, Clint," Pietro said after a while of staring.

"Um, yeah? I know, babe. I was just paranoid and I missed you," Clint replied honestly.

"No, like- I really love you. I would never do that to you," Pietro replied, his accent coming out thicker since he was emotional.

Clint would literally die for Pietro, but he couldn't help but ask the question that he's been thinking about over these six months.

"Even when you leave?"

People who noticed them on the street had already started slowing to a stop to hear the Avengers argument, causing sidewalk traffic.

Pietro didn't care who was watching.

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