I felt her rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to calm me. "What I need to tell you is going to upset you, even more, I'm going to need you to stay calm until I'm finished, Lace." I looked at her and nodded. "We're going to do this together, I want you to know that once I've told you everything it's imperative to the investigation that we go by the book." Now she had me worried. I sat back in the booth and waited for her to continue.

"First, you're going to have to tell Amelia, about your past, " she clarified. "You're going to have to tell her everything. Not just the bits and pieces you've told your sister. if you want things to work she'll need to know." I knew she was right even if I was afraid she'd hate me she had to know. "and it will be good for you to let someone other them me in, and it may also help her deal with her own demons."

"Demons?" I questioned. she held her hand up to stop me.

"I've been holding something back from you, and I know you'll be upset, but you have to let me explain." I sighed and nodded. "I work for WATT, It's the World Anti-Terrorism Taskforce, It's what I've been doing since I left the Military, It's how I was able to get you these security annalist jobs," I shifted in my seat waiting for her to continue.

"The files we pulled off of Brads computer implicates him in the thefts at Lewis Industries, but" she started.

"That's great, When are you taking him down?" I asked.

"But, " she continued, "He's just a small fish in a very large pond, we are monitoring his every move and I'm hoping he'll lead us to the person in behind this" I nodded not wanting to interrupt her again. "There's something else, and I know you're not going to like it. So I need you to stay calm, It's really important and as your friend I'd hate to have to have you detained," she said in all seriousness.

I leaned forward curious a to why my best friend felt the need to threaten me. "Go on then," I motioned she eyed me skeptically. "Really I trust that if you have to threaten me there has to be a good reason."

she opened the folder and slid a sheet of paper over to me. "This is the lab report we got back on those pills you found." I scanned the paper reading 304 methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Rohypnol, the list continued I looked at Mogan and pointed to the sheet. "Is this what I think it is?" I questioned

"Sort of, It's something new they haven't come across before," she answered, "It's a combination of Extacy and Roofie. according to the lab, the mixture would sedate the victim enough to keep them from fighting back while still enhancing the body's reaction to stimulation," she said getting angry. "I'd like to rip the Dick off the sick fuck that created this."

She held up her beer bottle towards the bar and continued. "Anyone who is given this drug not only had endures the inability to physically stop the rape but also live with the nightmare that although their mind is fighting it, their body is not," she grabbed the sheet back tucking it into the folder. "They are making these poor women think they enjoyed being raped, The Fuck!" she growled.

I now had an idea of why she wanted to make sure I stayed calm, "You going to tell me what else you found?" she waited as the waitress brought over two more beers. I grabbed my beer downing half of it and waited as she did the same.

"We were able to get to the discs behind the bookshelf," she watched my reaction and I know she could see the tightness in my jaw as I bit down on my bottom lip to hold back the pending outburst. "They were sex videos," she paused gauging my reaction, "They filmed their activities a different woman in each one, the faces of the men were blurred out," she stopped finishing her beer.

"Amelia?" I asked.

She shook her head, "We didn't find one of her, which I suspect is what they picked up when they were there." I slammed my bottle on the table was stood. she quickly jumped by and grabbed my arm. "We have to do this the right way," she scolded "If we don't we lose everything and they walk,"

I closed my eyes and sighed as she pulled me in and held onto me for a moment "We'll do this together Lace." I nodded against her shoulder. "Let's get you back to your woman I'll come with you I need to talk to your sister anyway." I leaned back and looked at her worried demeanor now reflexed a more bashful one. "um, I asked your sister to the Halloween Ball next week, um. asmydate"

"Well, at least, there's something interesting going on help keep my mind busy while we work out this mess," I said walking to the door, I stopped realizing what Morgan just said. "What do you mean, date?" I asked raising a brow.

A/N: I know I'm behind on the date timeline, and I'll try to keep up. As you can read there's more behind the story on Lacey and Jackie and Laceys guilt. I'm working on that now and hope it turns out the way I'm hoping. Any ideas for the Halloween Costumes? it's probably going to be a quick scene as I need to concentrate on Thanksgiving.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now