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- Jen -

My alarm woke me up by blasting Stitches by the one and only Shawn Mendes. I woke up right away and danced my way into the bathroom. Don't confuse me with a morning person but who can listen to his music and just stand there? Talk about a fake fan. Anyways, today's the first day of school. UGH. I like my friends but there's so much drama. I'm always in it because I'm apparently "popular". Like what even? I'm uglier than shrek and donkey combined.

First, I take a cold shortish shower. Yes I use cold water, it's good for your hair and skin. Then I brush my teeth, for the WHOLE 2 minutes. Like why wouldn't you? Do you really want stanky breath? Ewwwww.

Now, make-up time. I put a thin line of eyeliner, mascara, and some pink lip gloss. I don't use foundation because I have perfect healthy skin.

I go pick my outfit now. Yes, I do my makeup before I pick my outfit, that's not weird at all. I pick out a black tank top, white shorts, a floral cardigan, and my floral vans. I try it on and I look decent.

I French braid my long brown hair like Elsa's, just a visual for you. I hairspray it because it will get crazy if I don't.

I grab my bag then look at myself in the full body mirror. I approve.

I walk downstairs and eat muffins because muffins are life. When I finish, I clean up and see that the time is 7:00am. I have 30 minutes until school starts. That's enough time to go to Starbucks.

I get into my car and drive to Starbucks. I order the usual, a Cotton Candy Frap and a slice of pumpkin bread. Like these two things are too good to not buy.

I head off to school. Oh and by the way I'm a Senior. Yes! Almost done with highschool. Just one more year.

As I walk into the school, I get swarmed with my friends being excited to see me. Like chill. I saw y'all last week at my end of summer bonfire. I guess they want to make a scene.

Liv, my best friend since 2nd grade, came up to me and gave my the biggest hug in the world. Of course I hugged back, she's my best friend.

"OMG! LIV! I haven't seen you this whole summer!"

"I know! I'm so sorry but you know I had to go to my dad's in Florida."

"That's so far away from here. Did you miss California?"

"Well duh because my best friend lives here."

"Awe, how sweet of you."

We compare our schedules and turns out we have 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 8th period together. This year is gonna be fun.

- Author's Note -

It's 8pm and I had nothing to do so I decided to start a fan fic

Enjoy, people of the Shawn Mendes fandom

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