Chapter 10

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Zayn's Point of View

Immediately following the interview is utter chaos. The crowd has gotten unruly and so we are whisked by Niall's security to the dressing room with the make-up artists and stylists. It's almost an adrenaline rush. We push through the door and slam it shut, breathing heavy as we lean against the door. The bodyguards stay outside the door to ensure no one comes in.

"Oh! Boys, what's wrong? What's going on?" the woman I recently met- Lou, asks, rushing over to pull Niall's face up and look him in the eyes.

"Crowd got a bit rowdy. We needed to clear out quickly. Just a bit winded." I tell her, catching my breath. However, Niall has not and is beginning to wheeze.

"Damn it, where's your inhaler Niall?" Lou asks, though it's more directed towards me.

"I'm not sure. You look for it, I'll try to keep him calm." I tell her, shooing her away to look for the inhaler.

I immediately sit Niall down on the plush couch, and take his face in my hands. I look him dead in the eye as I kneel in front of him.

"Niall, I need you to look me in the eyes. Alright?" I ask but only get more strangled wheezing and big wide eyes. "Niall, you need to follow my breathing, okay? In, two three. Out, two, three. Nice and easy yeah? In, two, three. Out, two, three. You've got this Niall. Nice and easy." I keep his eyes locked with mine and am trying to keep my own breathing easy and calm so he can follow.

It takes several minutes, and Lou is still frantic in the background, but Niall's wheezing subsides and calms to nearly normal. It seems Lou has finally found the inhaler in the pocket of Niall's coat from earlier, and rushes over to us, only to drop the inhaler, along with her jaw.

"What? How? What?" She is obviously confused, which amuses me.

I stand up and peck Niall's forehead as he slumps back into the couch, drained and sweaty from the asthma. As well, his nerves are shattered from the interview- I can easily see it.

"Medicine isn't the only answer." I tell her simply as I turn and walk to get some cold waters from the mini-fridge across the room.

I come back and Niall has his head thrown back and his eyes have gently shut. I take a seat next to him and wrap my arm around the back of the couch. He leans into my touch leaving his eyes shut.

"Hey, hey don't go to sleep on me just yet. You need to take some water. Come on, just a few sips and then we can head back and you can sleep." I whisper to Niall, whom I can tell is trying to snuggle up for a power nap.

He grumbles, but does as I ask, before curling into my side, having finished the water off entirely. I smile fondly, lay a kiss on his forehead and look up. I'm surprised to see Lou so close, and with wide eyes, soaking me in.

"Yeah?" I ask, knowing she wants something.

She appears to be contemplating something for a few minutes, before she finally spits it out. "How? Like, how? How did you get him calm so fast?"

"It's quite simple really, he was in the midst of a panic attack. He needed to be calmed down before the inhaler would be able to do anything anyways. I've seen it before- you have to understand I've been around Niall for over a year. I've learned his habits and quirks. I know how to take care of him." I lie, but make it seem quite defensive. I know all about asthma and panic attacks- maybe a little too well.

"Oh, yeah okay. Sorry, I forgot you've known him so long. I've known him so long, but he never mentioned you. Why did you guys decide to keep it a secret for so long anyways?" Lou starts prodding.

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