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I shake my right leg and tap my pen against my desk as I stare at the screen in front of me.

My eyes re-read the article for the 3rd time.

Niall Horan...Forever alone or Whöre of the town?

Since the 24 year old became famous in 2010 for opening up Horan's publishing house company with his Father, The young man has had no signs of any relationships. Not one.

And you ask how this is possible?

A source close to the young businessman has revealed, "Niall hasn't found anyone that interests him and doesn't have time for a relationship at the moment. If he happens to find someone who he likes, He wouldn't mind pursuing a relationship with that person. I can only say for sure that he doesn't spend every night alone."

Hmmm, Sounds fishy, right?

As we investigate deeper, some speculations can lead us to the conclusion that Mr. Horan is in fact gay and that is the reason for his singleness. Another close source revealed, "He isn't ready to come out yet. His career has just begun. He doesn't want to jeopardize anything. But that doesn't mean he isn't sleeping around. I'm sure he's slept with over half the town already."

I stop reading and lean back into my chair. I slam my fist down onto the keyboard hard.

"Bullshït." I curse under my breath. Why can't people mind their own business?

There's a knock on my door and I exit out of the stupid page. I sit up and fold my hands in front of me before saying, "Come in.".

My assistant, Liam, comes in with 3 folders in his hands. He looks worried as he steps into my office. He shuts the door behind him.

"Sit." I say and gesture to the two empty seats in front of my desk. He slowly sits awkwardly onto the first seat and places the folders onto his lap. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Have you seen them?" He asks with a sigh, eyes trailing to my computer. I narrow my eyes at him and huff.

"Of course. They're plastered all over the Internet. How did this happen?"

"Uh, I'm afraid that it was two of the workers here. I'm doing my best to find out the leakers but it's hard when there are so many suspects in mind." He scratches his head lightly and looks down into his lap.

"What are those?" I point to the manila folders and he picks them up.

"Right now, I'm trying to be your friend and help you out so you need to keep an open mind." He explains while handing them over.

I open the first one and I gape at what's in front of me. What the hell? It's a profile. Of a guy.

"This is a profile thing for like dating." I murmur and he nods.

"Yes it is." He confirms, placing his hands on his knees.

"Are you trying to tell me you want me to pursue a relationship? Do you know how ridiculous that is!" I push the folders away and sit back into my chair.

"Look, you're getting bad press here. People are beginning to think you're some kind of man whöre. This isn't good for upcoming deals. You know that. And it wouldn't be a real relationship, it would be fake."

I shake my head and scoff. I don't care what other people think and there is no way in hell I'm pretending to be with someone I don't truly like.

"My job shouldn't have anything to do with my personal life. I don't know why people are so wrapped up in it." I say sternly and Liam sighs.

"Your completely oblivious. You're a very young, hot, secretly gay businessman who, in the past 5 years, has become rapidly famous. People want give it to them."

"What are these from anyways?" I ask, grabbing the folders once more. I reopen the folder, scanning the profile. At least the guy isn't bad looking.

"From an escorting service." He states simply with a shrug. My eyes escorting service?

"What the hell Liam? This is like prostitution!"

"No it's not...besides you aren't obligated to have sëx with the escort unless you want to. But these are different. They are long-term escorts. It's going to be like having a boyfriend." He assures. "Niall, this is going to help you. Everyone thinks you are slü do you think your Dad would feel if he heard any of this?"

I groan at the mention of my dad. I rub my face with both hands.

"Fine." I grumble. "But I do not want any part of choosing so you'll do that."

He smiles lightly and nods.

"I've already chosen for you. But I wanted you to see the other candidates as well." He says.

"Alright so who is this person?" I ask, sliding the folders back to Liam.

"His name is Zayn Malik. First off, He is a gay escort. I know you don't want to come out just yet but you have to now after that statement." I cringe. Great.

"Secondly, I know he'll be perfect for you."

"I can't believe this is happening." I mumble and rest my head onto my desk.

"He'll be arriving Saturday morning. I'll send a car for you and we'll all meet at the airport at exactly 7 am." He tells me and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I hate my life." I groan.

"He's going to be staying with you so you only have tonight and tomorrow to clean your house up. Before I leave I want to remind you that you have two meetings scheduled for today. One at 2:30 with the President of the board which is 15 minutes from now, and the other at 5 with the marketing team. Don't be late." He says and with that leaves me in my office alone.

"I hate my life." I repeat once more before getting up and heading down to my first meeting.

The Escort {Ziall Horlik}- DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now