Chapter 9

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Niall's Point of View

"Niall, the car's here! Hurry up! Or we're going to be late!" I hear as I'm throwing on a random shirt and sliding into some vans.

"Coming! Almost there!" I yell while stumbling down the stairs, trying to hurriedly check my phone. It has blown up with notifications, which is no surprise. The surprise is a lone missed call from my father along with a voicemail and text requesting me to call back immediately. I don't have time from him today, nor do I want to mess with him, so after another glance to make sure there is nothing truly pressing, I shove my phone in my back pocket.

I get to the bottom of the stairs, Zayn throws an overcoat at me and as we sprint out the door and dive into the backseat of the town car. I breathe a sigh of relief and turn with a smile to Zayn; he gives a reassuring and calming one back.

"Don't stress, it'll all be alright." He whispers words of encouragement and gives me a tender side hug. I relax into him for the rest of the car ride to the studio for our interview.

At the studio, the entire parking lot is swarming with people. There's a good amount of paparazzi along with a great deal of the female population that live within proximity of the studio. I will never understand these women.

Security from the studio, adorning yellow jackets labeled security, start pushing through the crowd of people to make a path directly from the back door of the town car to the front door of the studio. I sigh in relief at this, knowing less people will be able to touch us and hoard in on our space.

I also see Basil has come to the back door to open it for us as well as lead us through the security walkway. Sometimes Basil is just the best.

He opens our door and Zayn gets out first, as he is next to the door that has been opened. Zayn then reaches back in and grabs my hand, helping me get out. I blush, realizing I must look quite feminine after that, but at this point, I don't care. Zayn gives me a bright, reassuring smile and a nice squeeze to my hand before practically wrapping me up in his arms, and allowing me to bury my face in his chest. The position is slightly awkward, but I enjoy it. I can listen to Zayn's heartbeat, and whisper a quiet mantra in my head. He helps me stay calm.

I barely notice that we've gotten to the entrance already and are being ushered inside. Quickly, Zayn is led off to another room as we both are taken for hair and make-up along with a wardrobe change. I end up in wardrobe first.

I am given a white tank top and a nice jacket to change into. The stylist likes my vans and blue skinny jeans, and tells me to leave those. I am also told to hurry up and head to hair and makeup after I've changed. So I quickly run off to find a bathroom to change in. I've never changed in front of anyone other than family. Except last night when Zayn helped me. I'm not fond of people seeing the fading scars on my back, so I try not to have my shirt off in public. Especially if people will be taking photos.

I speed change and practically sprint down the hall. However, I also almost collide into Zayn on the way. He gives me a cheeky smile and wink before nudging me towards where he has come from. I give a devious grin and head for my all-time favorite stylist- Louise Teasdale, or as everyone calls her, simply- Lou.

"How's my favorite superstar?" she asks as she pushes me into a seat and begins styling my hair into my signature quiff. I usually do it myself but was rushed this morning.

"Alright, we overslept, so no time to make myself beautiful for you." I tell her, smiling brightly.

"Oh is that so?" she asks, raising an eyebrow in questioning. I immediately know I'm in hot water.

The Escort {Ziall Horlik}- DiscontinuedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ