1D Funnies- 1D as Principals

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Niall: never do that again do you even understand how bad-*lunch bell* *niall pushes past the kid and runs to the cafeteria*

Harry: so basically, erm.... so.... like you can't like....do that. It's just um... not cool.

Zayn: okay you need to keep your hands and feet inside the roller coaster that is life next time, okay?

Liam: okay, i know you made a woopsy daisy but next time be good....omg that was so harsh i'm so sorry. you know what? here's a sticker. a golden star sticker for you. run along now, you precious little hunny bunches of oats.

Louis: do you even know who i am? and you're going to talk back to me? not in my house. not in my house.

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