Inevitable Desires- Chapter 2

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“You don’t like him?” Tyler whispered next to me.

“Who? Did those unicorns sell you weed again? I thought I told you to stay away from them Tyler, you know what they say: weed is the gateway drug.” I was honestly confused whom was he talking about?

“I’m sorry, the fairies told me to! But seriously, the new music teacher, do you like him?” he asked looking serious.

“No, I don’t like him, he’s good looking and he seems nice but you can’t exactly like someone you don’t actually know.” I answered honestly.

“Oh, well I had him just before he’s a cool guy, and the man knows how to know play guitar and his drumming is pretty amazing.” He gushed; maybe Tyler had a boy crush on him, which would be quite funny come to think of it…

“Tyler, do you like him?” I ask him teasingly. He bust out laughing, I guess I had my answer.

We went back to doing our work we had to write a narrative, I was writing about a car crash, but then the girl gets rescued by the hot paramedic and I realized after a bit the description of the main character was eerily similar to that of Mr. Alexander…. Hmm maybe I was obsessing like every other girl; only I was doing it silently. The class passed quickly to my surprise and before I knew it Tyler and I were in Starbucks ordering our coffee. It was nice to hang out with Ty, comfortable, normal.

“So it’ll be seven years in three months…” I said sadly, wrapping both my hands around my coffee to warm them up it was a bit chilly out. We’d been walking for a few minutes along the busy street.

“Wow, already? Are you guys planning anything?”  Ty knew that if he started showing my sympathy I would just reject it and feel worse. Sometimes I swear he knew me better than I knew myself.

“I know, time fly’s right? And nothing really might have a dinner out and go to the cemetery. It feels like yesterday, I can still hear their voices, imagine what they would say and how they would react to things. It’s so weird.” I trailed off; I never really understood how I could remember them so clearly. It’s been almost seven years and I could still remember their smell, their hugs their smiles, and their laughs.

“That sounds good, I’m invited right? I still think your mom was mighty fine, I see where you get your looks from Lexi.” He joked but I punched him anyways. After Tyler had met my parents for the first time he’d made no secret of how hot he thought my mom was, I found it awkward but he always joked about it. It lightened the mood.

“Ty, really? I swear you have a thing for older women! It’s wrong” we were back to casual talk now, we were just walking for the fun of it, we’d sat down at a bench for a bit but when the sun started setting we both made our way to my apartment.

Aunt Zoë wasn’t surprised to see Tyler, he practically live with us. We went my room and hung out for a bit then decided to make our way to the studio. It used to be a huge bedroom but aunt Zoë and I turned it into a studio for me to dance in and she would occasionally take over if the lounge wasn’t big enough for one of her sculptures but it was rare. The floors were wooden and the east wall, which had two big windows, was painted a jade green the rest of the walls were covered in mirrors. 

I had on a sports bra and boy shorts and was wearing my long socks that covered my knees so that if I fell again it might lessen the impact on my bruise. We stretched first and then Tyler put on the music. We started dancing, I improving as time went on but then again I was also starting to get tired. After about the fiftieth time of me trying to do the little hand movements and trying to shake my butt like drake showed me I just fell onto the floor giving up.

“I quit!” I gasped. I hadn’t noticed how out of breath I was and I was dripping with sweat. He made it look so easy!

“You can do it! Lets run through it one last time and then I want to see your solo.” Tyler was like a dancing machine he could do it for days on end, he always pushed me, which is a good thing I guess because I would never get any hip hop routine down without his help.

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