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Onika Maraj's POV.

"Give him a kiss for me baby." I smiled.

He chuckled, "I will baby. Enjoy yourself."

"I will." I smirked thinking of Bey, "I gotta go sweetheart."

"Okay, see you later girl. Love you."

"Iloveyoutoo." I rushed it all together.

I hung up and groaned. I didn't really love him. After Bey and I broke up, I had the worst time of my life. Everything was fucked up. I was sad, depressed, and even had thoughts of suicide. She was my first true love and it took me a while to figure that out. She was just my everything and when she left me, I didn't know how to act. My baby boy almost didn't make it due to all of the stress and anxiety going on, my cousin died, and my mom got kicked out of her house due to not being able to pay her bills. Everything just went sour. And to top it off, Bey had moved on so quick. Which really puzzles me, did she really love me or not?

I sighed and laid back. It was a rainy Sunday and I didn't feel like doing anything today. I just wanted to cuddle, but not with Michael. I didn't want Michael. The only reason we are dating is because of my son, except he doesn't know that. He thinks I'm truly in love with him, but I'm not. Which is kind of hurtful in a way, but there's nothing I can do.

I heard a knock on the door and then Amber busted into my room.

"Bitxh you was taking to long to answer. I thought you was playing with yourself." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "I only do that when I haven't gotten any good dick in a while."

"And you haven't. How big is Michael?" She questioned taking a seat on the bed.

I scrunched my face up and giggled, "Not that big. I don't really having sex with him. He doesn't get me aroused."

"Hmm, then think about Bey slamming into them hips." She smirked.

I laughed at how silly my best friend was, "I do, sometimes."

"How many time have you and Michael had sex?"

"Four times. I don't really like having sex with him. I recently told him that I want to wait for marriage, so he could stop trying and wanting so much."

"But bitch you're engaged. You'll be married in a few months."

I rolled my eyes, "Eww don't remind me."

"I'll try not too." She giggled.

"Amber you ever wanted someone like so bad, that you'd just pray to God that he'll work everything out in your favor."

She sighed and nodded, "Yeah, I have. Remember when Khalifa and I broke up?"

I nodded and sighed.

"I prayed on it and gave it time, but you and Bey are different. Y'all gave it enough time, it's time for y'all to make up and get back together."

"That's dead. I'm about to get married in a few months."

She looked at the floor, "Onika, I love you so much and you know I only want the best for you. You and Michael are not for each other."

"Obviously Bey and I aren't for each other, else we would have been together." I shrugged feeling a bit irritated.

"Yes y'all are. Onika do what you want, just make sure it's what you want to last."

She stood up and sighed, "I love you best friend."

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