“This isn’t your house! You don’t just go running through it like it is.” Zach shouted at Baz and he felt Emily flinch from next to him.

“Well at least we know why you’re always crushing on her.” Alyssa said rather snidely but something inside Zach snapped and he could no longer bear his friends to be near his Emily.

“Get out of this house. We aren’t having a pizza party and none of you are ever going to be invited here again.” Zach’s anger took over as he pointed his friends back towards the house.

They reluctantly walked away leaving him and a still shivering Emily alone. They kept sending him glances as though he had grown two heads but Zach didn’t back down. His jaw was clenched tightly with fury as he stared at them. He couldn’t believe how immature they had acted. As soon as they knew it was Emily the stupid comments had started. Had he really been so blind to the way they had been treating her?

“I’m so sorry Em. I shouldn’t have invited them here. I was a real idiot and I’m sorry.” He told her regretfully.

It was only then that he realised how close Emily was to him. She had never once voluntarily let him get anywhere near her except for the holding hands in the car thing. Right now she was practically in his arms shivering madly. He dared to reach his hands out and run them along her arms to try and soothe her. She didn’t flinch away; this time surprisingly she actually leaned in closer.

Zach was just taking a breath of her flowery scent when he heard a shuffle of feet from nearby. He looked around to see Baz standing nearby looking rather ashamed of himself.

“Listen Zach I’m sorry man. I wasn’t thinking okay and I acted like a tool.” Baz said, his voice full of shame.

“It’s not just me you need to apologise to here.” Zach growled out and Baz turned to Emily.

“I’m really sorry Emily, I shouldn’t have done that.” Baz said sincerely while Emily just stared between the two of them.

“Emily is Baz ever mean to you at school?” Zach asked her seriously while Baz sent him a ‘what the hell’ look.

“Hey I’m trying to be nice here.” Baz interrupted but Zach never once took his eyes from Emily. She looked shocked by his words but eventually she shook her head.

“Good, I’d hate to have lost my best mate.” Zach said with a sigh of relief.

At that point he dared to lean into her personal space and kiss her forehead lightly. Her eyes widened as she sucked in a breath and sent him an intense questioning glance. He just grinned as he turned back to his best friend.

“It’s cool man, I knew it wasn’t you but I had to ask.” Zach said as he raised his hand to his best friend.

Baz looked puzzled for a moment before he slapped Zach’s hand and grinned himself. Baz had never been one for holding grudges and Zach was thankful for that.

The Girl who Writes and the Boy who Likes her (Now Published So Sample Only)Where stories live. Discover now