Chapter Eighteen: Elijah's Return

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I heard crashes from the lower level of the mansion right after I hung up the phone with Anastasia and went to investigate, only to be stopped by the stupid invisible barrier Nik had put on the exits of the house. Therefore, I was forced to yell out like somebody's mother who heard her children roughhousing but was too lazy to go down to stop them.

"Klaus is that you?!" The ruckus stopped almost immediately so I was hoping it was him. I didn't expect him to yell back, just come up to me. I'd realized I could've listened in with my supernatural hearing too late and soon, the bedroom door was being opened.

Though I was hoping to see Niklaus, I was happier with whom I laid eyes on.

"Elijah?!" I exclaimed, almost feeling tears swell into my eyes as soon as I'd seen him.

Once he walked through the threshold, I ran to his arms supernaturally fast and he embraced me in a much needed hug. With the craziness of the mate bond and just trying to survive, I was in the dire need of an Elijah hug.

The warmth and security Elijah was known for making me feel washed over me immediately, flushing my skin as I gave him an 'I missed you' squeeze before we pull away. He looked the same of course, but there was unhappiness in his deep brown eyes that once had been gratitude all those years ago. I'm sure it had something to do with dealing with the antics his family was known for.

Elijah had always been very noble and responsible. Nothing seemed to affect him so greatly that he would respond in such a rash way that could only be described as humanlike. He was always very cunning and sharp, clear to the point and clever but I could see his resolve had been tested quite a few times, just by looking into his eyes.

"What happened to you?" Elijah questioned me, examining my bloodstained dress and ash drenched skin with pure chagrin. He lifted my chin and examined my face as if he were checking for damage.

I gave him a small sigh and shrug, "Er—your brother"

Elijah sighed as if he expected the answer, completely unsurprised before Niklaus finally made an appearance. A clear glare was etched onto his face when he saw Elijah and I and how close we were standing. I could smell my mate's jealousy and it took everything within me not to laugh about it.

I cleared my throat, making eye contact with Niklaus, "You undaggered him?"

Elijah responded before his brother could, giving the blond a pointed look, "No, apparently not"

Niklaus merely rolled his eyes, "It was probably one of your brothers' antic, yet another failure to add to the list"

Glaring at him, I shook my head before turning towards his brother, whom I was preferring at the moment.

"We have a lot to discuss" And the older Mikaelson nodded in agreement as if he already knew what I would be speaking to him about. It was a bit obvious, seeing as he found me in their mansion in Niklaus's room.

"And what would that be?" Niklaus questioned, stepping in the space between Elijah and I, sparing the two of us a wary look.

There goes the green eyed monster showing itself again.

I merely smirked at him, "I don't see how it's your concern"

The hybrid grinned back, "Of course it's my concern, you're my mate Dear Angel, any concern of yours is practically a concern of mine"

My smile dropped and I went to snap at him but Elijah stepped in, "Excellent, the two of you are aware of the circumstances...that makes this all less difficult"

Klaus looked at his brother with a mix of confusion and annoyance while I just nodded in agreement, shooting him an uneasy smile. I needed to discuss my phone call with Anastasia with the both of them and the panic and worry I had felt previously were slowing rushing back into my bloodstream.

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