Chapter Eleven: Spitfire

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Three people stood in shock and amazement at the unconscious girl with the unruly mane before them. There was the smell of smoke laced with the air they breathed but that was the only evidence to what they had all just witnessed.

"Did she just..." Damon murmured with wide eyes as he stared at his sister who had just passed out.

His green eyed brother nodded slowly, "Y-yeah...she did"

"But how?" Damon asked, talking more to himself than the other two men.

Evangeline's body was emitting a black smoke, worrying all of them but none more than the Mikaelson hybrid who was staring at her in awe. He had never met a creature like her and he couldn't fully believe that he was seconds away from being engulfed in flames that a petite like her created.

"She needs help" Damon Salvatore hissed, electric blue eyes staring at his sister in fear as he smelled the blood trickling from her nostrils.

"Don't—"Niklaus' warning was cut short when Stefan sped over to his sister attempting to pick her up, only to be burnt badly, "Never mind"

Stefan stared at Klaus accusingly, "What the hell just happened?!"

The hybrid rolled his eyes, picking up the girl himself, seeing as he was definitely used to her burning him. Sure it hurt him but it also made him feel something he couldn't quite understand. Like she gave him some sort of reassurance.

"I'm sure she's told the two of you what she was, put the pieces together yourselves" The blonde man retorted before beginning to walk away until he stopped in front of Damon, "I'm sure you have time seeing as I've solved your little problem with pining after your brother's girl...again"

Damon growled at that, trying to seem as intimidating as he could.

Klaus, however, guffawed in amusement, "I'd love to see how bad your bite is but my hands are a bit full mate"

He signaled to the man's unconscious sister in his arms before he took Evangeline towards the back of Gloria's. He really hoped that the little hybrid in his arms was going to be okay. As much as he didn't care to admit, she'd grown on him extremely and he regretted pushing her to her defenses the way he did. She caught him by surprise when she had advanced on him and Klaus refused to look weak or be bested by anyone.

The nightclub/bar was closing down when he entered the back and saw Gloria stacking a couple boxes for storage. She turned around and ticked an eyebrow at the sight of a smoking Klaus walking towards her with Evangeline in his arms.

"And what do we have here?" The white haired witch questioned as the hybrid found a metal table to lay her on only for it to begin to melt leaving the hybrid no choice but to set her on the concrete.

"Our little spitfire here just nearly set me on fire" The hybrid murmured as they both stood around her, observing the smears of blood on her nose and now her ears.

Gloria looked shocked at that, "Did she now?"

Just as Klaus was about to answer, Stefan entered looking distraught and his frown deepened at the sight on his sister lying on the floor. He had just basically told Elena—the love of his life—that he didn't want to see her anymore. His heart broke at the expression she wore but he knew he couldn't go back on his word to Klaus, not if he was going to make sure his older sister was okay.

The hybrid smirked at the sight of him, "I was afraid you'd gone running for the hills"

"I said you had my word" Stefan reiterated, refraining from rolling his eyes before he looked over at Gloria in a bit of shock, "Aren't you supposed to be—"

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