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Jenny and I lied down for a bit on the corridor floor. Jenny rested on my shoulder "Hey, let's go home...I'll go with you on your family's restaurant..." . "Snoork...Hrmm..." she whispered..."Huh?" She's asleep...She really grew tired for a girl who just fought guys...Hmm I guess I'll just give her a piggyback ride. 

I went to the gate of the school carrying her...She was very light...Just like a backpack. Aria was not around, she went home already...

I searched around the gate to look for her fetcher... No one was around at that time it was already 5:30 pm. It was getting late...It will be really tiring if I carry her to their restaurant. But I guess it will be fine since my house is just near  the restaurant...

And so I carried her...We were already across the restarant...When "Hm...G-gerard?" she whispered. I felt her hair on my neck it was smooth. "Yes? Are you awake?" I asked..."GERARD?! SHIT! AM I DREAMING?" She panicked and shouted then went off of me... "What are you doing?" she asked..."Uhm...I was carrying you to the restaurant cause you seem very tired and your fetcher hasn't arrived."..."Really? You came all the way here?" she asked "Well yeah it's pretty easy because you were very light..." then she looked really embarassed...

"Err...Uhm I don't know what to say...Uhm err...T-thank...You?" She muttered, She has this a little bit of nice side after all..."So you want to stay for dinner?" she asked..."Uhm no thanks..." I said. "Oh c'mmon, don't be too shy!" She shouted then grab my arm and drag me inside their grandiose restaurant..."Wow! It's so beautiful..." .

She drag me to a seat...Then people started staring at us...I heard someone whisper..."That girl, she's so mean to her 'mother' !" , Jenny heard that then "SHUT UP!" she whispered to herself. "Don't mind those stupid people..." .

"Are you alright? You seem very problematic, Jenny." I asked. I became more curious about her life she's rich and all, she has no friends, people are gossiping about her family. "No I'm not..." she said defensively...

Then the food arrive...It was grilled steak...The smell of the aroma filled the air..."Let's eat!" she said.   

"Uhm, Jenny can I just take this out? This is my mother's favourite dish..." I said...Although the food looks really delicious...And I'm really hungry right now...Guess my mother will be happy if I brought this home...

"Woah, there! You won't eat that?" Jenny exclaimed "You're too kind eh? Well you can eat that and you can take another for your mom..." , "Really? You're kind too...I think your mother is happy that you're her daughter..." . "Uh, yeah...You're welcome..." she said.

"What happened to your past?" I asked the question that has been on my mind since the day I met her... "Pft, what the hell is that question for?" ... "Well it's just that you really are problematic..." . "What do you expect? A dark past?" she laughed. "Well yeah sure I had a past, whatever..." she stuffed her cheeks with large scoops of mashed potato. Then her eyes looked like she was going to cry... "Hey are you alright?" I asked, maybe the question I asked earlier bothered her... She shooked her head...Then tears fell on her face. "Let's not talk about this today, you should eat your steak..." I offered her a handkerchief...Then she accepted it then "Give me a sec..." she said.

She left and went inside the girls' washroom. Then people started to stare at me for some reason...I heard their whisperes again.

"Hey that kid just rejected the girl's confession!" . HUH?

...I ate my steak....

Jenny was not coming out of the washroom...So I approached the well-dressed man that I just met here..."Uhm, Sir, Please tell Jenny, thanks for the food." I said "Where is she?" he looked for her, he didn't know she went to the washroom. "Uhm, sir, she wasn't coming out of the washroom..." I said.

"Really?" he said then he went and knocked on the washroom door..."Ms. Jenny? Are you in there?Your friend here, he is going to say something..." . Then the door opened up, Jenny popped her head out. She looks like she cried alot. 

"Jenny, were you crying?"  I asked "Uhm, no... not really!" she smiled and went outside the washroom..."I'm really fine!" ... "I'm heading out now...Thanks for the food." , "I'll escort you outside..." she said suddenly... 


We went outside. "Thanks alot, Gerard...I'm sorry for acting weird and mean lately." then she suddenly hugged me tightly and she cried silently..."Thanks for being concerned about me...Thanks for being my very 'first' true friend! I'll tell you everything tomorrow." then she let go of me. "Urghh, what the hell I did just now?" she muttered to herself...She became really embarrased "Errr, sorry for hugging you...I-it's not what it really looks like! Uhm it's a hug of gratitude or whatever you call it! ''.  

She was nice afterall. "It's fine, I can introduce you properly to my girlfriend, Aria. The girl who you just said "friendly"... She's very nice to all, in fact she wants to be your friend!" I said excitedly. She smiled then ,"Uhm, really you have a girlfriend? Err, I mean how the hell would you have a girlfriend when you look scary?" she joked...

"Well you don't have a boyfriend even when you are cute!" I said then she blushed. She punched my stomach playfully. "Whatever, scary face...See ya tomorrow!" 

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