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I was soaking wet when I arrived at my father's restaurant...

I didn't know the boy who escorted me, but good thing he was there...

I was shouted by  my stepmother who is the manager of our restaurant, because I was soaking wet... "Jenny, are'nt you supposed to wait for your fetcher? Now your father will kill me because of you!" , "Then lie..." I said "You're a good liar right?" I said. "How dare you talk to me like that?" , "I'm your stepdaughter...I'm not important to you nor you are  important to me..." ... The restaurant staff looked at us argue inside the restaurant also the customers.

Then I was slapped...I'm used to this.

I don't care anymore...

Then my fetcher arrived...

I decided to go home with him..."Mr. Hans, let's go home..." I said. People were still looking at me because I was slapped. My stepmother was stiff, she stand there like a big beautiful statue, I admit it she was beautiful but her personality wasn't. Her attitude was the exact opposite of my mom's. I didn't know what's gotten to dad when mom died. 

We were on our way to our house...

I sat on the backseat, I was given warm clothes by Mr. Hans, our driver. "Ms. Jenny, I'm sorry I was late..." he said. "It's alright, although next time come on time..." I said. "Don't let a word of this to my father or else that stupid lady will do something unpleasant again..." . "Y-yes, Ms." he replied.

I arrived at our house, my hair was still wet. Our old maid, Rossana, was waiting for us. "What took you so long?" then she touched my hair , "And why is your hair wet?" she asked. "It's a secret..." I joked. "Seriously?" she asked again. "I played under the rain..." I lied. "Fine, if you don't want to tell the truth..." she sighed. 

I ran to my huge room. 

It was huge and it's full of colors, black and white. I don't want a colorful bedroom. My room has a large window which has a view of our house entrance. I have such a wonderful room, that's why I'm always inside it. 

I rushed to my Ipod and played my favourite songs. Then I reached to my bag and worked on my homework. I'm not a studious, hardworking student. In fact I don't study when dad's not around. It's always because of him. He scolds me and sometimes locked me up in my room when I don't study, that's why I'm already inlove with my room. 

After I worked on my homework, I checked on my facebook.

I don't have friends, In fact I don't really want to have a facebook account. I was forced to make one because of school related things like groupings and stuff. 

"Jenny, dinner's ready!" Rossana shouted. "Yeah, sure..." I said. I saw a message from somebody...

It says:

"Hey, I'm the boy who helped you cross the street a while ago... I study at the same school... I was wondering do you have any friends?" 

He's name is Gerard. I looked into his profile he looks handsome but I think he's one of the boys who acts like they're cool and stuff. HATE THOSE TYPE OF BOYS...

"Why'd  you ask?" I replied immediately then I saw a friend request, it was from him. Should I accept? Pfft he's just a stranger...

But fine since he helped me...then he replied "Well it's just that you look like you're always alone..." 

We just met how'd he find out I'm a loner? Stalker! I laughed at myself.

"Well duh, I'm a loner..." I said. I know I was mean... I've never had friends before.

"Oh I see..." He replied immediately.

"Do you want to make friends with me?" he suddenly said.

"We are already friends, in facebook." I said.

"No, I mean friends with me in real life..." He said.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked, we just met... why suddenly befriend me?

"You look lonely, I guess you needed a friend..." he replied...


"I don't need any friend..." I said.

"So you really want to live like that for rest of your life?" he asked. WHAT THE HELL? WHY DO YOU CARE?

"Why do you care?" I asked. 

"I'm just curious, cause everyone needs a friend." he replied. 

"Can't you agree with that?" he replied again.

"Everyone except me..." I said...

"Ms. Jenny! Your father's here already... Come down."  Rossana shouted...I don't have time for this weird friendly boy...

I went downstairs to find my father with my step mother...My father does'nt look happy, Uh, Well he looks always like that since mom died. "Jenny whta took you so long to go down here?" he asked grumpily... "Nothing... I just did my homework." 

"How was your day?" my step mother asked as if nothing happened... SEE YOU'RE SUCH A BIG LIAR. "Nothin much just a bunch of stupid people lying." I muttered. "What is it?" My dad asked. "I said I had a big happy day."

Then we went to the dining room...Our dining room is also huge there's a big glass door in front of our long rectangular dining table. That door is the entrance to the patio near our pool. It also has a view of our big swimming pool...

There were only three of us inside the dining room...It felt really silent. "Hon, how's your business meeting with the Cruz's corporation?" My stepmother asked..."Nothing much...How's your day?" He asked my stepmom "Oh as usual, we've got many customers inside the restaurant..." .

The two chatted like they're having a business meeting, it's like they were reporting each other's progress..."I'm going to bed..." I told them after I finished my food. They looked at me as if there was something wrong with me... Why are'nt they used to me. Oh yeah it's because they don't spend time with me...

Pffft, I don't care anymore if I have the 'lonely' life...

I went to my room and I noticed that I forgot to turned off my laptop...There was a message again from that Gerard person...

"I believe you need a friend..." What is he my mom? A councellor...? PFFT WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT ME?

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