Dinner with the neighbors

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I was getting ready to go eat dinner with Stephen's new neighbors from across the street. I hadn't met them before so I was kind of anxious to see them.

I was a little late for dinner. My Aunt wasn't feeling so well, so I helped her get into bed. My Aunt recently went to the hospital. The Doctor told her she has the flu. When I heard the news I knew I had to do everything in my power to help my Aunt.I was running late so I ran to to his house in the rain.

I finally arrived to his house I knocked on the door a thousand times waiting for someone opened the door. He opened the door and was relieved I was here.

"Your late Jasper your lucky my mom hasn't served dinner yet."He said, closing the door.

He lead me into the living room were his mom and the unknown neighbors were.

"Oh Jasper your here. Oh darling your wet. Oh well this is our new neighbors. This is Mr.Ward and his daughter Bella."Stephen's mom said, hugging me and introducing me.

I froze when I saw Bella she was wearing a red dress with white Converse. She had blonde light brown hair and big brown eyes. Stephen nudged me in the arm to wake me up into reality.

"Hey Jasper nice to see you again."She said, smiling at me.

"You two know each other?"Stephen said, looking surprised.

"Ummmmm we just met today. We sit next to each other in class."I said.

"Wow and I thought I was going to have dibs on her first."He said, patting me on the back.

"Dinner time you three."Mrs.Cole said, interrupting oir conversation.

We all walked into the dinning room. I sat down and Bella sat infront of me Stephen sat next to me.

We ate dinner and talked about the holidays that were just around the corner.Until Bella's dad asked me a question.

"Jasper is it?"He said.

"Yes it is."I said.

"You look like your father."He said.

"You know my father?"I said, shocked.

"Yes I worked with him. But sadly I moved away; after my wife died."He said.

"I'm terribly sorry about your wife. I too lost my mother and father at a young age."I said, thinking about the day I lost them.

"I'm sorry to here that. Your father was a great man your mother was friends with my wife. I remember you as a child with your father."He said.

"I would love to tell you more about your mother and father if you like."He said.

"I would love to know more about them."I said, smiling.

After dinner Stephen, Bella and I went to the living room to talk.

"So Bella do you play video games?"Stephen said, flirting with Bella.

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity of bad flirting.

"No. I don't like video games."She said.

"Well if you don't like video games. What do you like?"He asked her.

"I like to read."She said.

"Jasper loves to read he also writes stories."He said.

"Really."She said, looking at me.

"I think my mom's calling me."Stephen said, standing up and walking out of the room.

"Its silly I know......"I said.

"No its not. I would really like to read one of your stories."She said, putting her hand on top of mine.

Bella's dad came in the room and told her that they were leaving.

"Well good bye Jasper."She said.

She hugged me at first I was surprised but I hugged her back. Before she left I told something without even thinking.

"Bella I would love to read you my story sometime."I said.

"Perfect."She said, leaving the room.

I left walking home. I got home and walked upstairs to check on my Aunt. She was sound asleep with the TV on.

I went to my room closed the door and sat down on my bed. I looked out the window and saw the stars.

I remember a story about two stars. My mother used to tell me it was a story I would never forget.

But when I lost my parents I looked up to the sky and saw two stars. In my heart those two stars were my parents.

Lost Boy {Edited Version}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz