DEREK Bottom Prompted

Start from the beginning

He had to get control of himself.

He had hoped that Stiles text was still valid.

-I didn't tell anyone. I wont tell anyone-

Derek strolled into his loft and sighed as he put the bag on the table. The sound of the construction outside was giving him a headache.

He growled low and started unpacking. Slipping his jacket off and dropping it onto the table he looked up as he heard something behind him. Then he caught that scent.

No. Please. Not here.

Slowly he turned around.

Hazel eyes connect with honey golden eyes.

"Get out of here." Derek gave his best most menacing growl.

Stiles arched a brow and chuckled. "Really? That is what you are going to say to me after a month of you being MIA?"

Derek curled his fingers into fists. He stayed silent and his body slowly began to tense more and more. He was holding his breath trying not to get to much of Stiles scent.

"... You are such a dick." Stiles closed the door shutting them in together. "I can't believe you would leave for a month. You left the pack. Because what? I caught you in a weird freaky moment of some kind of wolf scenting thing?" Stiles scoffed looking dissapointed.

Derek wanted to fall to his knees and show his belly. He wanted to beg for forgiveness.

He didn't. He stayed standing by sheer will. His fists tremble.

"You know Scott did a bunch of weird stuff too. Like in the beginning. He said scent was this big thing. He told me that Pack scent was soothing. You didn't have to freak out. I understand more about the smell thing." Stiles said shrugging as he walked forward closer to Derek.

Derek had to take a slow breath. Oh god. He smells so good. Derek's mouth fills with saliva and he wants to lick Stiles all over and taste his scent. He wants him to stop taking that medicine so that it wouldn't taint his original scent. He wanted him to stop using that damn body spray.

He just wanted Stiles original natural scent. Musk and salty skin, a hint of sweetness, because he ate so much candy so he always had a hint of sweetness that clung to his scent. The lust that always clung to him from what Derek assumed was his young labido. Magic. He could smell it deep within him. The spark.

Derek had not realized that he took a step towards Stiles. He tensed more trying to stop his body.

"Get out." Derek growled out in an inhuman voice.

Stiles puffed up his chest and then suddenly he was infront of him and in his face. "You aren't an alpha Derek! You can't tell me what to do! And someone has to tell you how it is! You left your pack! Just cause you were embarrassed about some wolf thing! You went through a huge change Derek we all understood that! But you left!" Suddenly Stiles was gripping his shirt and yelling in his face.

Derek couldn't stop himself anymore.

Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and smashed him up against him and turned around knocking everything off the table and then pushing Stiles down onto it and started licking and kissing his neck.

"OH GOD DON'T TEAR MY THROAT OUT IM SORRY!!!" Stiles yelled in fear but then suddenly he gasped at the feel of Derek's tongue licking across his neck over his addams apple.

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