Chapter XVIII - Part I

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Here's the plan. I'm going to finish this small plot/storyline in this chapter (warning: long chapter), and after that, this story will be full of cutesy little ficlets of the reader and Ezio. So, basically like the last chapter, about killing people with brooms. XD So LET'S GET THIS STARTED/OVER WITH.

I'm going to actually have to divide this chapter in parts. MUH.

Oh btw I preordered the new Splinter Cell. cannot wait, brahs. As you may have noticed, I still love mah Five-Sevens.


You sighed. It was nearly too quiet for your liking. You were reading short excerpts from Antigone by the tragedian Sophocles, one arm holding the book while the other your face leaned against, atop of your desk. Ezio had only walked alongside with you to your home, assuring your safety. You had insisted that if you were to be a great assassin, you should at least be able to walk home independently. Of course, you knew that he enjoyed your presence, and it was no doubt you had a mutual feeling. You were contented to say that you truly had feelings for the man.

You have grown over the months. Profoundly. You were glad that Ezio was not overprotective and restricted you from certain missions or capabilities. After all, he was the one that introduced you to the Brotherhood. It would be absurd to not allow you to take part in tasks for the fraternity you were apart of. Instead, he encouraged your growing strength.

Yes, month after month, you've trained hard. And you've definitely had experience in combat with alive men. Not just dummies. So, yes, you can kill. And yes, your stealth skills were admirable.

You could finally proudly call yourself... an assassin. Your initiation ceremony was tomorrow.


"Laa shay'a waqi'un moutlaq bale kouloun moumkine. The wisdom of our Creed is revealed through these words."

You pulled a slightly conceited smile, as you walked towards the lit brazier in front of Ezio and Niccolò.

"We work in the dark, to serve the light. We are Assassins." Ezio lifted the tongs that had been heated within the brazier, as you lifted your left hand out.

And then you were branded, the hot metal burning the skin of your left ring finger. You tried your greatest to endure the pain, which you had succeeded in doing, with only a small eye twitch.

"Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."


After the last part of the initiation, performing a Leap of Faith into the waters bordering Isola Tiberina, you retired on a bench, retracting your newly acquired hidden blade in and out.

And so the dull moments passed, you pondering what things you should be doing, being just officially joined into the Order. Ezio had things to take care of, and you couldn't bother him. He was man years full of experience, you were an assassin of few months. As much as you wanted to help, your assistance may be considered a nuisance or may not even exist at all.

Perhaps you would go shopping for equipment or items that would bound to be helpful in future missions. Medicine, a finer blade than that of your dagger, better armor that could handle a couple of slashes, and perhaps even have it dyed to your liking.

Walking amidst the crowds and throngs of Roma, you took the initiative to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Italy. For the last few months, you've only been focusing on books and Ezio. A little change of pace will sooth the stress that was created. After all, not many recruits could meet Ezio's standards and requirements so quickly.

Regardless, Italia was magnificent. Waters were clear this day, the sun adding a touch highlights upon the surface, creating an almost sparkling illusion. Or perhaps it wasn't an illusion and the waters were always this clear. The skies were just as clear. Maybe you'd let out your inner young for a day and invite Ezio for a meal during the sunset.

After purchasing a much more fine blade that should satisfy your expectations and walking away from the blacksmith, you were suddenly grasped by unknown hands. Well, they certainly did not belong to Ezio. And you would know.

With his hands restraining your wrists and covering your mouth, he dragged you hastily towards an alley, where he had muttered, "Quiet your tongue, my dear principessa. I do not want to have to tell you what happens if you do not obey."

Your eyes widen in response as to who the voice belonged to. You struggled to release yourself, attempting to unsuccessfully flick your wrist a few times. His grip on your wrists were far too tight for you to be able to release your hidden blade.

"Now, I am going to release you. If you dare call for help, attempt to strike, attempt to flee, it will not end well for you. I do not want to have to do anything to you."

You scowled silently as he released you from his grasp.

"Cesare." You breathed, perspiration beginning to form among your forehead. "Cazzo, what do you want from me?" Your voice rose slightly, which had startled Rodrigo Borgia's son, who had looked left and right before raising his hand to slap you.

But he did not. He sighed, lowering his hand as he murmured, "You are lucky."

"And exactly how am I lucky?" You raised an eyebrow and gritted your teeth.

"Instead of killing one of you assassins, I'll keep you alive. Only on one condition."

You narrowed your eyes. "What are you trying to propose?"

"That's what you will find out soon. Come with me."

You were reluctantly dragged by Cesare by the wrists after he had unexpectedly forcefully tied a piece of cloth around your mouth.

Where he was taking you, you could not easily guess. What his intentions were, you were clueless on.

All that lingered through your mind was the hope that Ezio would somehow notice your disappearance. Although, he would not notice it now, or any time today. Fending for yourself was your priority as of now. Your initiation today had deemed you worthy an assassin.


Sorry I had to end it so early =_= I have to go on vacation this whole week. I think my hotel has wi-fi C: I'll add the next parts hopefully while I'm there.

I totally forgot what I was going to say.

I was rereading this story =_=' It's organized a bit weird. Oh well ._.

IT'S 3 AM, YOU GUYS BETTER BE GRATEFUL. *cries* Joking.~ Anyways, hope you've enjoyed, I'm planning on updating this story MUCH much more often than I usually do.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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