Chapter II. Affiliation

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Chapter II. Affiliation - Florence, Italy - 1475

You gulped. The nerve had inevitably entered your system, and your heart began to palpitate. Not often were you invited to such parties-- affluent nobles in only the finest garments, mellifluous music offered by exceptionally skilled Venetian musicians, and the ambiance of vivacity, intimacy, and mirth. The illustrious courtesans of the city had effortlessly drawn the attention of most of the men; thus you were convinced that no charming man would want to introduce himself and try his hand to court or beguile a naive, callow girl such as yourself. Though that seemed not to hinder your enjoyment of the festivities-- you simply wouldn't allow it to.

The amount of activity eventually did grow to overwhelming you, as the excessive interaction with others submerged you in great fear of embarrassing yourself; you were completely prone to uttering the wrong thing or even tripping upon flat surface. You retired to a bench away from the commotion, taking the opportunity to admire the glistening stars that contrasted with the night. However, when your gaze shifted back down to the bustle of the party, you noticed a man across the vicinity pointing towards you. You furrowed your brow, and his realization that you were aware of his pointing alarmed him into quickly obscuring his hand from your view. He began to casually socialize with the older man standing beside him, and out of curiosity, you observed him with interest of his intentions. 

Nothing else peculiar seemed to befall between the strangers, until the older of the two nudged the other in your direction. As he approached, you couldn't help but notice his prominent features-- mainly his dashing looks and captivating demeanor. 

Upon his arrival, he bore an entrancing smile and asked, "May I sit here?"

You nodded, pleasantly returning the smile. Though you weren't sure what to think, aware that this was the first time a man willingly approached you; But this was a night in which you planned to elicit your capabilities as a gregarious person. 

"Grazie," said he in a pleased tone, taking his seat beside you. You nodded once again, causing him to chuckle. "The quiet type, surely?"

You smiled sweetly, shrugging as you let out your first words. "Actually, not at all."

"So she speaks!" he exclaimed, now bearing a radiant grin. "What is your name?"

"It's [Full Name]. And yourself?"

"Ezio Auditore da Firenze-- it's a pleasure, [Name]." He kindly took your hand, placing a gentle kiss upon your delicate fingers.


Author's Note: Ahh!! I can't help but notice how much I've improved in writing, so I found the original text quite amusing. (oh god it was so bad.)

Original Text:

You grew slightly nervous. You weren't usually one to be invited to parties such as these. Many courtesans filled the area, attracting most of the men, which caused you to give up on trying to create a conversation with anyone. There were many handsome men out there. But of course, none of them would notice you. Taking a break from the noise, you left the crowd to a more less populated area and sat on a lone bench and brought your eyes upwards. You took interest into how the stars glimmered in the distance, despite how dark it was, until it was then when you looked back down and saw a young man who was pointing at you. When he noticed you had seen his pointing, he quickly put his hand down and began socializing with the man beside him, attempting to get you to think it was nothing. You blinked a few times in confusion, until you saw the man beside him start to push him in your direction. You begin to grow a bit more nervous as you take notice of his good looks and dashing appearance.

As he approached, he scratched the back of his head and asked, "May I sit?" You slowly nodded, scooting to the left as you made room for him. He took a seat. "Grazie."

You nodded again in response as he laughed a bit and said, "The quiet type, is that so?"

You finally spoke and said, "Certainly not."

"Ah, so she speaks!" He grins and you just stare in response. "May I ask what your name is?"

"...... It's [First Name] [Last Name]. And yourself?"

"Ezio Auditore da Firenze. Pleasure to be of acquaintance." He gently lifted your right hand and pressed a soft kiss upon your knuckles. You turned a soft red, although it faded once you realized it was only but a simple greeting from the Florentine man.

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