Chapter 19

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A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers/followers along with the people who favorited/kudoed Restoration. You guys don't know how much it means to me. I've worked day and night on this chapter for you all. It's super long just because a lot of you had requested it not to be broken into two chapters.

Restoration: Chapter 19

Alexis couldn't believe how much Victor's camp had expanded over the past few months.

Rectangular blocks of limestone the size of coffee tables bordered the house in a semicircle. Outside the ring of limestone, the terrain grew much more rugged. The gate itself was designed to roll on a track on the other side of the wall for opening and closing. It was covered from top to bottom in sheets of steel and hid the property just as effectively as the wall.

To the left of the shipping containers stood a wooden multi-story watchtower with only one watchmen inside.

She looked over the house. It didn't appear to have any windows or doors on the bottom floor. The only entrance was across a breezeway from the second floor.

Lowering the binoculars, she looked at Rick. "He's been busy,"

"There are lights on in the house," Daryl said.

"Solar power," William said.

As they continued to glance down at the compound, they heard voices behind them.

"Hey, flashlights out." Rick whispered urgently.

Alexis ducked behind the large oak tree as the two guards slowly passed by, both wearing camouflage fatigues and holding automatic rifles.

"Oh...I'm so fucking tired. We were up all night chasing this captive." The guard said.

"Oh, you were part of that? I heard about this."

"Yeah, this one chick, she would just not give up. I've never seen anyone with so much fuckin' energy. It took a couple of minutes to snuff everyone else and fucking three hours to hunt her ass down. We were about to give up when she started shooting at us. Stupid, she coulda got away. I had two other guys keep her busy. I took out my rifle, lined up her little head in the crosshairs, and pow. That was that."

"Damn. Maybe you shoulda kept her. Y'know, made her one of your little toys."

"No, no way. That girl - she'd bite my dick off."

As they passed by, Alexis' hands curled into such hard fists that her fingernails pressed painfully into her palms.

Rick scrambled around in the leaves and came up with a small, twig. He lobbed the twig towards the guard. It flew just behind his head and thumped into a tree. The guard whirled around, leveling his gun at the source of the sound. The other guard signaled him to check out the noise.

The man tore through the bushes looking for the source of the noise. Seizing the perfect opportunity to catch him off guard, Daryl quietly approached his target from behind. Taking his dominant arm he wrapped it around the neck of his opponent, his bicep pressed against one side of his neck and her forearm pressed against the other side he applied pressure to both sides of the neck by squeezing his forearm and bicep together, the same move he pulled on Alexis when they first met.

A few minutes passed and the last remaining guard started to become suspicious when his partner had yet to return. Following the same path as his partner, they patiently waited for him to drop his guard. The man crouched down to his partner and took his wrist and felt for a pulse.

As William stepped around the tree a twig under his foot snapped giving away his position. A shocked gasp escaped his lips. The man quickly stood and turned, leveling his rifle at him, before he could squeeze the trigger, Alexis whipped around and pressed the gun to the back to head.

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