Chapter 11

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A/N: So sorry for the late update everyone! Hopefully an extra long chapter will make up for to those who reviewed, really means the world to me along with those who favorite/followed Restoration.

Restoration: Chapter 11

Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Alexis gathered in the library to discuss the situation with Dominic. Alexis sat the table, rubbing her tired eyes. She thought a new day might help. A fresh start and a clear head, except her head was foggy from lack of sleep.

Daryl leaned back against the table casually, crossing his arms in front of him. "This ain't right." He said. "The others should know."

Alexis shook her head with a sigh. "You know we can't do that."

"Why the hell not." He growled.

"Because we can't risk the other's alerting Dominic. If that happens, there could be casualties." Alexis explained. "Would you really want that on your conscious? I sure as hell don't. I have enough blood on my hands as it is, I don't need anymore."

"I liked you better when you didn't talk so damn much." Daryl said.

Alexis shrugged. "What can I say, I'm an attorney. I live to argue."

"Enough you two." Rick said. "It's settled. We're to keep this amongst ourselves for the time being until the situation is resolved."

"How do you propose we go about confronting him without risking any casualties?" Michonne asked curiously.

"I haven't figured that out just yet." Rick said.

"What about bait. I could draw him out."


His eyebrows shot up, like she'd lost her mind. Maybe she had.

Alexis stood up, her hands flat on the table "What? Why not? It's a lot more than what we currently have. Besides, I'll have my gun on me at all times. He won't be able to touch me."

"It's reckless."

"You know it's a good idea. It's the only way we're truly going to know if it's really him or not." She said, hoping to persuade him.

"Alexis, this isn't a negotiation."

"Why, because I'm the kind of girl who screams damsel in distress?"

"That's not it." His hand came down on the table hard enough to startle her. Rick turned his head to Daryl and Michonne and nodded to the door. "We're done for today."

The two nodded and left the room and he regarded her once again. "I'm responsible for you. If anything happens to you while you're on my watch that's on me. It's for your own good."

She glared, wishing she could level him with her stare. "Can't I decide what's for my own good? Jesus, I'm not a child."

He muttered a curse under his breath and moved to the other side of the room.

"What are you so afraid of?"

He turned away slightly, raking his fingers through his hair. The dark brown strands stuck every which way. The thought of losing Alexis made his chest constrict painfully, and he knew more than ever that he was falling in love with her.

"I'm not her, you know."

He faced her again as if he didn't hear her right. "What?"


He winced, his jaw tightening. "Alexis, you're treading on some mighty thin ice here."

She took a few unsteady breaths and moved to him. "I know you loved your wife. I see it in your eyes every time you talk about her. But trying to wheel on my life at this late stage of the game isn't going to work for either of us, trust me."

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