Chapter 9

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Siobhan was walking to school as usual. in meanwhile was Alaric watching her in his minds, inside his gap. he hold a lock of her hair in his hand and some of her blood inside of him. She was talking with her friends, till the bell rang.

" urghh chemistry, well see you guys" she said with a wry smile. 

The teacher began to talk, but the only thing there was in Siobhans ears was Alarics voice coming sneaking inside.

"Hi Siobhan, been a long time, huh," 

Siobhan looked astonished and looked around"where are you!?, Leave me alone!" for everytime Siobhan told him stop, kept Alaric laughing and hurting her more.

" haha, hmmm you know, you're pain is like quicksand; more you screaming for help, then more is going to devour you. haha haha haha

"No, just leave  me alone," 

Alaric laughter got  lauder and crueler, and Siobhan kept shaking her head to make it stop.

"NOW" she yelled out in the classroom.

The teacher looked at her, like she was a maniac "uuuh, Siobhan,  is there something bothering you?" the classmates giggled, but some of them laughed too.  Siobhan walked throug the hallway with her head looking down, everyone was starring at her some people whispered to eachother the other came up with comments just til annoy her or just to make fun of her. Even her best friend came laughing over to her" Ok, what the heeell happend in the chemestry today; did your daydreaming finally end up?" she said with a laughing voice. Siobhan looked up and saw very unhappy on her; she stopped smiling" I thought you were my best friend" 

"wait, what of course I am, i just think it was a Little weird yelling, NOW, in the middle of the class. You know, think you ´...

before she could end the sentence was she already heading home.

When she was about to enter the front door, she heard Alarics voice once again, "Hahaha, oh it's going to be so funny to ruin you life!" She was about to open her mouth, but kept the words she wanted to say inside.

" why are you hunting me, why can't you just go after me dad? I never done anything to you!" 

Alaric answerd the question, with a cool and calm voice.

" your precious father killed my whole family, and now is him time to pay for the damage his cost in my area!"

Siobhan lifted her eyebrowns with closing eyes: "he's not that precious to me."  

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