Chapter 8

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It was midnight in the human world too. Siobhan was lying in her bed with fear next to her and the heart beating of her chest . In all of a sudden a squicking noice came from the door. Siobhan jumped out of the bed and hold a knife, there was used to kill witches "Honey, are you okay?" It was her stepdad; her parents were divorced and Harry hadn't or wouldn't take care of her. She was living with a foster Family undtil her farther could take care of her again "did you have a nightmare?".

Siobhan laid down in bed again" yeah, but... it wasn't to bad" "are you sure about that?" She regnoiced the voice. When she turned  around Alaric was behind her, crushing her shoulders to make her scream" were going noooow! Haha haha" Siobhans eyes was filled with fear"NO NO,don't do this please!!" But all he did was laughing cruely. He grabbed her on the hips and threw her down a big, Black, endless hole. Tears flew up from the eyes; like she was dead; she didn't sream she didn't yell help me or anything. Alaric was watching her fall with an evil smile. 

She screamed, and got awake

" hey, hey calm down!" that's was her real stepdad and biologic mother.

"did you have a nightmare, what was it about?"  

Siobhan didn't answer, but looked out of the balconydoor and saw Alaric starring at her with the scary eyes. Alaric talked to her through her minds

"I'm you worst nightmare, you won't be a human anymore soon"

"Leave me alone!" Siobhan yelled in front of her parents

"Ok we'll leave you alone", her mother said and left the room.

Alaric disappeared in the dark in right in front of her. Alaric was wearing a big sweater with a big hood. the only thing you could see was his mouth.  

On the street there was a couple of teenagers making some trouble, drinking beer, smoking,  he tried to pass through but got shoved back. "hey Hoody, what a are Little wimp like you doing out here so late?"

he said with a smirking laugh and the others laughing. Alaric didn't say a word, but shoved him back in the brickwall behind him. The other kids attacked him, but got hit back as well. 

" I don't have time for this crap."

he said with the non-human voice again, and walked over to him on the wall. "W-what the hell are you!?"  The fear of the boy, helped Alaric to kill him alot faster than the others. only one got away, he  ran in the Woods; Alaric didn't follow him. "spread the word!" he yelled after him

Witches (A Billy Unger Fantasy story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن