Taking Off

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Disclaimer: Do I look like a man who wants to break the hearts of a lot of fangirls? Also I am not a woman who sets up normal shy girls with glittery and hairy people who probably shed.

Alexandria's P.O.V

Hiding is what I was doing early in the morning on Saturday. Hiding from my brother who wanted to put me on a plane to Forks Washington, good luck with that. Even though Zeus gave me free passage through his relm I was still reluctant to board anything that goes in the sky. Other than that I would have loved to go to Forks, with all the rain it would have been a Posideon child's dream, that and I wanted to see my cousin Bella and uncle Charlie.

I was hiding out in the Hades cabin which Nico gave me permission to enter whenever I wanted, though I guess it wasn't very smart to hide in here since Nico is driving me to the airport. But hey that's why Annabeth calls me kelphead, "Alex?" I heard Nico call from in front of my spot under the bed.

"Do you think she's in here?" I hear Percy ask coming up next to Nico, "I know she's in here" he replied. Suddenly a hand grabs my ankle and tugs me just hard enough to pull me out from under the bed, I kicked the hand and twisted my body around reveling Annabeth as my captor.

"Found her" she announces with a smirk, Percy sighs in relief and pulls me up off the ground brushing my black hair out of my face. He picked up my bags and all four of us walked out to halfblood hill where Argus was waiting to give us the keys to the car. Anna came up and hugged me telling me to be careful, after she stepped aside Percy came up and gave me a hug. "Be careful okay, and don't forget to Iris message, also dad said once you get off the plane their will be a surprise waiting for you." I gave Percy one last hug then got in the car, I took one last look out the window at my home since I was 9 years old and then were off.

Bella's P.O.V

I was at the Cullen's as usual when I got a call from Charlie, as soon as the phone rang all the Cullens dropped what they were doing to look at me. "Hello?" I answered, Charlie's voice rang out and he sounded surprisingly happier that usual "Bella, listen your cousin Alex is coming to live with us for a little bit so I want you to share your room with her and help her adjust to the school." At first I froze but continued talking after I noticed Edward looking a little worried, I squeaked out a OK before hanging up. Of course I was excited to see Alex but I haven't seen her in years after she started going to that boarding school in New York.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't notice Edward coming up behind me until he said something. "What are you thinking?" He often asked this question as he couldn't read my mind so I told the truth and said "my cousin is coming to stay with us and I haven't seen her in years, that and I don't want to bring her into this world of werewolves and vampires."

Suddenly Alice spoke up, "Bella there's someone coming to your house in 5 minutes, a boy with black clothing and a girl. She has black hair with blue streaks" I smiled when I heard that, it seems like she still loves the color blue. "No worries, it's just my cousin she loves the color blue" Emmett frowned "but who's the dude?" I looked up from where I was gathering my stuff "I don't know but I better get going before she gets here, anyone who would like to come is able too."

Edward and Alice decided to come with me and we were off to see my best friend and cousin.

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