Chapter 23

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Jieun knocked on Hoya's door and slightly pushed opened it. Hoya was sitting in front of his laptop, wearing his glasses, and busy typing on something.

"Hey." Jieun called silently and placed a cup of coffee down on Hoya's table.

"Hey honey. You haven't sleep?"

"Yeah...have to do some assignments. And I've just finished it." Jieun smiled bitterly and replied. She then pulled a chair and sat behind Hoya. She hugged Hoya's neck from behind and leaned on his shoulder. "You?"

"Works. Got tonnes of it today."

"I've got you coffee."

"Thanks baby." Hoya said and kissed Jieun's nose lightly.

"You should go and rest, baby." Hoya said. "Can I sit in your bed and read books for today?" Jieun asked.

"Umm, yeah. If I won't bother you."

"Alright. I won't bother you working either." Jieun smiled and pecked on Hoya's cheeks. "I'll go get my book first." Hoya nodded at Jieun and smiled. Jieun stood up and went to her room, getting her book and sat down inside Hoya's bed.

"Oh yeah, tomorrow you don't have to send me to college. I'll get Sunggyu oppa to drive me there."

Hoya stopped his works and turned around to Jieun. "Why?"

"'s because I thought you might be tired after working for whole day long. I want you to rest more."

"It's fine baby, I'll take you to your college." Hoya sighed and replied. Jieun smiled and asked, "You're just jealous, am I right? You're jealous of Sunggyu oppa."

"No I'm not." Hoya denied.

"Yes you are, Howon."

"Whatever." Hoya stood up and said. He went to the bed and sat down beside Jieun. "If you're tired, sleep first, alright?" He told her as he caressed her cheeks softly.

"I won't be sleeping if you ain't." Jieun replied. "Now go and continue your works, I shouldn't be bothering you. You might miss the date to pass up the projects."

"You aren't bothering me. Study well, alright? I love you." He pecked on Jieun's cheeks and told her.

"I love you, too." Jieun replied.

"Just to think of it, you're graduating really soon." Hoya beamed and continued work on his project. "And then, you know, we'll go back to Busan after that."

"You are serious with that?"

"Yeah. I am." Hoya replied. "What's wrong?"

"No...I'm just thinking about what should we do with this house."

"Ahh, I've thought about it. Don't worry about that, we'll come back here time to time. I'll hire someone to clean up here every month."

"Thanks, Howon."

"Anything for my love."

"You'll come to my graduation ceremony, right?" Jieun asked.

"Yeah. It's in next month, isn't it? Of course I'll be going."

"And anyways...Woohyun knew about us. He asked me about that last week."

"Jinjja? How's he?"

"I guess that he's fine now, according to what Sunggyu oppa told me. They've been trying to get him move on, Dongwoo, Sunggyu and Myungsoo."

"Hope he'll find his one soon." Hoya smiled and replied. "What about Myungsoo and Dongwoo?"

"You know, well, Myungsoo, I don't know why but he seems like don't like girls." Jieun chuckled. "Dongwoo could get himself a girlfriend easily but he said that he'll wait till he graduated."

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