Chapter 21

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"Well, you have two choice. First, sleep with me, or in my brother's room. Even though I prefer the first one but it still up to you." Hoya said as the both of then stopped in front of a door.

"Whose room is this?" Jieun asked.

"Oh, my brother's room. You want to take a look inside?" Hoya asked as he pushed opened the door. He went inside while Jieun followed behind.

"Well, I think you better don't sleep here. This kid doesn't even clean his room." Hoya looked around and told Jieun. "I'll just sleep here." Jieun said as she sat down in the bed.

"You know, you can sleep in my room. If you're worrying about my parents, don't be. They won't say anything about that." He sat down beside Jieun.

"Howon, I hope you could understand. We aren't anything now. Just...friends." Hoya frowned a while and said, "In their eyes, we are a pair of couple that might get marry anytime. I don't know what are you actually afraid of...but I'm sure that you love me too. Even if you're not telling, I can feel that too. They don't know about our past. All those time that I spent with you, I never forgot about it. Those time were really...time that I always cherish. I know you love me. Please stop denying about that, Jieun."

"You've said it yourself. Our love will only lead to tears. A broken heart."

"I did said that? Whatever, I'll pull that back. That's because for that time, I was with Jisoo. Will you ever accept me?"

Jieun didn't say anything. She looked down to the ground. Suddenly, she thought about something. "Close your eyes." She stood up and told Hoya. "Why?" He asked. "Just close. I'll let you know." Hoya closed his eyes as Jieun said.

"I think the answer will be clear." Jieun whispered beside Hoya's ears. She then leaned down and kissed Hoya. Hoya wrapped his arms around Jieun's waist, pulling her down to him. Jieun placed her arms around his neck as she sat down on his lap. A few seconds later, they pulled off from the kiss.

"I was waiting for this. For you to kiss me. I knew it." Hoya smiled and said.

"That'll be the last time." Jieun replied with a sweet smile and got up from Hoya's lap. "We'll go to my room okay? You'll sleep with me today."

"But..." Jieun stammered. "No buts, dear. That'll be a yes. Trust me, they won't say anything about it." Hoya assured. "What I'm worrying about is not that...I was just worrying about..."

"About what? Ahh, you're afraid that I might do anything? That's good then, we can have a child then, if you want." Hoya smirked. Jieun's face went red immediately. She kicked him slightly and said, "Make it your own." She then ran out from the room, leaving Hoya behind, wincing in pain.

She stopped in front of a door and panted. Suddenly, she felt someone hugged her from behind. It was Hoya. "Honey, do you ever think that you could leave me alone she you just turned me on?" Hoya asked in a husky voice.

He grabbed Jieum's hands and turned her around. He leaned down and kissed her, hands on her waist, pulling her closer.

"Anyway, we're here. Let's head in." Hoya reached his hands to the doorknob and turned it as he pulled off from the kiss.

"Don't worry, we'll only be doing if when you want to." Hoya said as he pecked on Jieun's cheeks. "Now go in. Take a look at your future room."

Jieun stepped into the room. Hoya followed behind her, switched on the lights and closed the door behind him. "Do you like it?" I came back a week again and redecorated it." He hugged Jieun from behind and asked.

"It's so...beautiful. How you even did it in a day? You won't have much time to cone back here isn't it?" Jieun asked. There was a big frame hung on the wall. An old photo of Hoya and Jieum. There's a wall which pasted their photos, some photos of herself, and some of Hoya's, also some of theirs.

"This will be our memory wall." We must take pictures and paste it here whenever we go out for dates, alright? And when we have kids, we'll paste their pictures over there." Hoya pointed at another wall and said.

"We're going to live here? about your job in Seoul?" Jieun frowned.

"I've asked about that, and they said that they were already thinking of promoting me to here and work. No worries. I want to be here as well, since I know you always live Busan. We should be here."

"Howon, I love you so much. You've done so much for me." Jieun hugged Hoya and said.

"Aww baby, that's what I should be doing, you'll get more surprises in the future." Hoya said and caressed on Jieun's hair. "I've moved your bags here actually. Go and take a bath first. Then let's sleep, okay?" Jieun nodded slightly and said. "Okay."

"Be fast, honey. Unless you want to take your bath with me. I'd love to do that though." Hoya smirked and said.


Jieun came out from the bathroom as she rubbed on her wet hair. Hoya was sitting on the bed, having a book in his hands. "You aren't bathing?" Jieun asked.

"I've took it earlier, before dinner. Should we sleep now?" He asked as he put down his book.

"Ahh, sure. I'll just dry my hair first." Jieun replied. She then asked, "do you have hair dryer, anyway?"

"I'll get it first." Hoya stood up from the bed and went to his wardrobe. He took out the hair dryer and gave it to Jieun.

"I have something for you." Hoya said as Jieun done drying her hair.

"What is it?" Jieun turned around and asked Hoya. Hoya didn't said anything. He just walked towards Jieun and stopped beside her. He reached out his hand in front of JIeun and opened his hands that he'd been forming it into a fist. A ring laid there. to be specific, it's a necklace.

"I'm not proposing, j just want to give you this. I've been keeping it for years, and I think now should be the time when I give the one should have the ring. It's yours now." He started. "And also, it'll depends on you to wear it as a ring or a necklace." Hoya said as he put on the necklace for Jieun.

"As what I've thought, it definitely looks good on you. You're so pretty, darling." Jieun reached out her hands and touched the ring slightly. "It must be expensive." She mumbled.

"No, it's not. I've bought it years ago. The year when I confessed. I was planning to give you as a gift when we started dating officially. But you know...something happened. Let's font talk about that anymore. Sleep now, okay?"

Jieun nodded and went to the bed. Hoya switched off the lights and laid down beisde Jieun. Jieun sneaked closer to Hoya as he pulled her into his arms.

"Don't worry too much, alright? I won't do anything." He silently said. "I'm not worry about that anymore. I trust you." Jieun replied.

"Ahh really? Even if you want to, we won't do it here too." Hoya smiled and said. "Wae?" Jieun asked. "My parents are both here. You wouldn't want them to hear you..." Before Hoya could even finish his words, Jieun hit his chest slightly.

"You're so bad." She said. "Hey, I'm serious." Hoya laughed and said. "Whatever." Jieun closed her eyes and murmured. "I'm so tired right now. Goodnight, Howon."

"Goodnight, my baby girl. But can I get a kiss? From you?" Hoya asked cutely. "No. I think you've got enough of kisses earlier." Jieun shook her head and said.

"I want one like the first time when we kiss. I still remember that. That's really...awesome. Best kiss in my life. I still can't forget the moment. The way your hands were touching me, the taste of your lips. It's still...all in my mind."

"You sounded like a pervert." Jieun commented and chuckled. "It's true. Your lips tasted good. And plus...since that's the first kiss of us, so I had never forgot about it. So...can I get one?"

"Do you ever have to ask?" Jieun smiled. Hoya smiled as well as he leaned down and kissed Jieun.



I'll update one more chapter by Friday before leaving for my trip and will not update for three weeks. Sorry.

And don't forget to check the fanfic of Woohyun alright? Look for it in my profile :))

- Jocelyn

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