Chp 8

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"How long are you going to stay mad at me?" he asked.

"Until I feel like not being at you."

"How long is that gonna be?"

"I don't know, maybe it'll be as soon as you stop asking me all these questions."

"But I only asked you two questions." I gave him the look and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry. Well, I need to go handle some business so if you need me, I'm a phone call away." I didn't say anything to him. He turned to leave the room but he stopped to speak again.

"Aaliyah, I may have taken you here when you didn't want to come, but I did this to protect you and this is only until I get rid of this bastard. You aren't my prisoner. Understand this please." he said before exiting the room. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I need to get out of here. I don't care if he is just keeping me temporarily, I don't care if he's doing this to protect me, I needed some air.

'Ugh, but how am I going to leave here?'

I looked out the window and saw him leave the drive way. I opened the bedroom door and made my way down the hall and down the long stairs.

'Maybe he has another car in the garage that I can take.'

I searched for the door to the garage for what seems like hours. I don't see why he needs a mansion when he's the only one that stays here. I was headed towards the end of the hallway and I really hope this door leads to the garage. To my luck, it was the garage and there was a beautiful matte black Hummer sitting there calling my name.

"Hello gorgeous." I rubbed my hands across the car. I opened the door and hopped in. I looked in the glove compartment and thankfully the key was in there along with the garage remote.

"This is just too easy." I chuckled. I pressed the button to the garage but it didn't move. I pressed it several times and the garage door didn't budge at all.

"Not today Satan. I'm not going to let this door keep me from leaving." I put the car in drive and rammed through the garage door and out onto the road.

"He's so gonna kill me but who cares, that was freaking awesome." I used the GPS to help me get back to town. I needed to find somewhere to go because I can't go home obviously, I don't have any money on me to get a hotel room and I can't go to Isabella house because he'll look for me there. I felt my phone buzz and it was a number I didn't recognize.

"Hi, um, is this Aaliyah?"
"Whose asking?"
"It's Namjoon, you forgot about me I see." he chuckled.
"Shit, hey Joonie. Haven't heard your voice or seen you in a long time. What you been up too?" Namjoon is a good friend of mine I met a while ago in Atlanta. He's from Korea and we instantly connected. I had a major crush on him but I didn't want to ruin our friendship if he didn't feel the same. He's really handsome though and his voice is so deep.
"I've been working on some music. Trying to get my name out there."
"Oh, that's cool! You should send me some of your work and let me have a listen."
"Well actually, I'm in town so if you want to meet up at Starbucks in maybe about 10 minutes?"
"Yeah, I'll be there soon, bye."


"You haven't changed at all Aaliyah, well you've gotten more beautiful." Namjoon laughed.
"Neither have you and you're still as handsome as ever."
"Thank you, I try." he grinned, his dimples poking through.
"What have you been up to lately?" he asked.
"Nothing much, I'm taking a break from dancing to have some me time and enjoy myself."
"What!? Aaliyah taking a break from dancing? Who are you and what have you done with the real Aaliyah?" we both laughed.
"As much as you talked about how much you loved dancing when I first net you, I would've never thought you would take a break."
"I need it though. That's all I did for my entire childhood and teen years. Never got to enjoy life you know."
"I feel you. You should come with me to Korea one day. I want to show you around."
"I definitely will!" We st in silence for a bit before my phone started buzzing. Andrea was calling. I hung up the phone, ignoring him. My phone started buzzing again. Now he was texting me.
'Why aren't you answering?'
'Aaliyah what the fuck!!'
He must have saw the garage. By now my phone was vibrating uncontrollably.
'Aaliyah I swear to god if you don't answer me.'
"No, far from it."

Yes, this is the Namjoon from BTS

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