Chapter 4

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Andrea asked some random guy to be the judge for our race.
"Just so you know, I'm a fast runner." Andrea boasted.

"Just so you know, I'm a VERY fast runner. I ran track all throughout junior high and highschool." I grinned.

"Well, we'll see who's the fastest at the end. Ready?"

"Yes sir."

"On your mark, get set, GO!" I took off with my head down and gradually brought it up to gain speed. The finish line he set up was getting closer and closer and we were neck and neck. I crossed the line and did a little victory dance.

"Yay, I won!"

"No you didn't I was like a inch ahead of you." Andrea said.

"No you weren't. I was definitely in front of you. Face it, I beat you."

"Well let him be the judge of that. Who won?"

"She did sir."

"HA! Told you. You owe me your car for a day." I turned my attention to the guy and thanked him for helping us. Ugh, I couldn't wait to drive that sex on wheels. I looked back at Andrea and he seemed a bit upset. Was it because he didn't win?

"What's wrong Drea?"

"Nothing, I just... I just really wanted to go on a date with you bella." he pouted.

"We can still go on a date Andrea."

"Really?" His eyes lit up. I nodded my head giggling at his sudden excitement. He must have realized how excited he got and quickly composed himself.

"Great, um I'll pick you up 9."

"Sounds good. Bye Andrea."

"Bye Aaliyah." He smirked. I love it when he says my name with his sexy accent.

"He totally wants to fück you baby girl." I jumped slightly, startled by the voice.

"Jesus Isabella. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to know that his fine ass wants to stick his dick in your coño."

"OKAY, enough of this conversation." I laughed. "So did you enjoy your workout?"

"Yeah, there was this really hot Korean guy. You would've loved him because I know how much you like Asian men."

"Well maybe if I wasn't with Andrea I would go for it."

"Woah wait, y'all are dating already?"

"Well, we're not dating but we do have a date later."

"Ah, I can see the beautiful babies now."

"Wow, okay can we leave please. This conversation is getting weird. I also have a date to prepare for."


After a lot of preparation, it was now 8:55 and Andrea will be here in 5 minutes.

"Okay, how do I look?" I said doing a turn.

"You look hot, obviously because I assisted you." Isabella said.

"Getting a bit cocky I see." I teased her. The doorbell rung and I quickly sprayed perfume on before answering the door.

"Ah bella, you look so gorgeous."

"Thank you." I grinned.

"Ready?" He held out his elbow to me. Such a gentleman. I took his elbow and led me to his car. It was different from the one he had early.

"Did you rent a car just for a date?" I questioned. He bursted out laughing and stared back confused.

"Baby, this is not a rented car. This is mine. I'm a pretty wealthy man."

"Oh, well where are we going?"

"That mi amore is a surprise."

"Aww, can I at least get a hint?" I gave him my signature puppy dog face. He chuckled deeply and shook his head. I sat back and playfully pouted. I stared out the window looking up at the stars. I like how you can see the stars so clearly out here. We pulled up to a beautiful lake with a gazebo sitting close to the edge. It had candles lit, roses scattered everywhere, and there was even a waiter.

"Andrea this is amazing."

"I was hoping you'd like it. Come." He led me to the gazebo and sat me down at the table inside it. The waiter came with a bottle of champagne on ice and two salads. I thanked him and began eating. I was about to make conversation with Andrea when phone suddenly ranged. He excused himself and from afar, I could hear him cursing in Italian. What could he be so upset about. He came back over with a deep frown. He whispered to the waiter and grabbed my hand.

"Everything alright?" He ignored my question.

"Where are we going? What about our date?"

"There has been urgent business crisis that I need to attend to right now. I just need to go handle it and we can continue our-"

"No." I stopped.

"Aaliyah please, I do not-"

"What could possibly be so urgent with your business that you have to stop our date?"

"I can't tell you that information."

"Well take me home then."

"Bella come on. Don't be like this."

"Either you take me home or I'll just call Isabella. You pick."

"Hope you got enough juice in your phone." He turned, got in his car, and drove off.


I have half of chapter 5 typed. I'll post it tomorrow. Xx

Garrantana *Discontinued*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें