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A soft knocking awoke me from my slumbers and I found myself still wrapped in Paul's arms, our legs intertwined and breathing in rhythm. I looked up to see Paul still sound asleep, his mouth slightly parted and his droopy eyes closed in peace. I leaned up to place a gentle kiss on his lips, trying my best to wake him quietly. He stirred and only pulled me tighter to him.

"Paul, baby, you need to wake up." I said quietly.

He mumbled incoherently and I kissed him once more.

"Paul, Mary's at the door."

His eyes opened slowly and he placed a kiss upon my forehead.

"Good morning, princess."

"Morning, Paul. Mary's at the door."

He sighed heavily and got out of bed. He threw on a pair of stray pajama pants he had lying around and went towards the door.

"Paul, what about me?" I whispered yelled at him. 

He just smiled and shook his head and opened the door.

"Good morning, darling!" He greeted Mary cheerily.

"Morning, daddy. What are we doing today?"

"I don't know. What would you like to do?"

"Can we go somewhere fun?"

"Like what? Give me an idea, dear."

"Can we go to downtown London? See all the cute little shops and such?"

"Of course we can. How long have you been up? Are you hungry?" Paul was now leaning against the door frame and I was trying to lean off of the bed and reach for one of Paul's shirts to put on to cover myself.

"I've been up for about an hour. I went to try and find Amethyst but I couldn't find her. Oh, and daddy, what happened last night? It sounded like you were moaning for an hour. Were you not feeling well?"

I extended my reach a little farther, unfortunately it was too far and I fell off the bed with a thud.

"Bloody hell..." I mumbled as I tried to stay hidden from Mary's view.


"Um...Uh...Mary, darling why don't you go and get ready to go out? We'll go get breakfast. Yes, that's what we'll do." Paul was frantically nervous, knowing that if Mary caught on he would end up giving the sex talk to his twelve year old daughter today.

"Is Amethyst in your room, daddy?"

"Run along, Mary. We haven't got a minute to waste!" Paul tried to shut the door but Mary stuck her foot inside the frame.

"I'm not an idiot, daddy."

"Fine, Mary. Yes, Amethyst is in here. Now go get ready."

"If she's been in there all morning why didn't you answer the door right away?"

"That's none of your business, Mary. Go get ready."

Suddenly, I heard Mary gasp as I was still lying on the floor.

"You two were having sex last night, weren't you?" Mary inquired in a sassy tone.

"Mary..." Paul began. 

I now had on a shirt that came down to my thighs and I made my way to the door.

Paul was looking down, seeming ashamed of himself. I placed my arm around his waist, making him straighten up.

"Mary, what your father and I do is none of your business. If you would now be so kind and listen to your father and go get ready, you will be making his life less stressful at the moment." I spoke eloquently, gaining the complete attention of Paul.

Mary huffed and went to get ready. Paul leaned back against the frame of the door and sighed in relief.

He opened his eyes after a moment and smiled at me.

"Thank you."

He pulled me in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips molded with mine perfectly and he deepened the kiss by sliding his tongue across my lips and into my mouth.

"Disgusting." Mary was now standing in the hallway, arms crossed and leg popped out.

Paul broke apart the kiss reluctantly and looked at Mary. He stuck out his tongue at her and made a funny face, causing her to giggle.

"Very funny, daddy."

"Just go get ready." Paul told her and she ran back into her room.

"She's a real handful, isn't she?" I asked Paul.

"She can be. I'm going to get a shower. Want to join me?"

"Of course."

Paul and I made our way to his shower, not having much clothing to remove and stepped into the hot water. I placed my head under the stream of water and ran my fingers through my hair, making sure it was completely saturated. Paul did the same and I giggled at his appearance with slick-backed hair.

"What's so funny, beautiful?"

I ran my fingers through his wet hair and he hummed in response.

"You look strange with your hair slicked back."

"You still look just as beautiful."

Paul's response made be blush and he proceeded to take some shampoo and lather it throughout my hair, using his fingertips to massage my scalp. He turned me around quickly and kissed me, our wet bodies coming together under the flow of the hot water. I returned the favor with his own hair and he began to wash my body. He took the soap between his hands and began caressing every inch of my body. His hands felt like tiny butterflies dancing upon my skin. Once again, I returned the favor, running my fingers over his skin and leaving a trail of kisses down his abdomen. Paul ran his fingers through my hair, helping the water rinse the shampoo out. We stood in the stream of water for a few moments, just simply taking in each other's presence. 

"You're so beautiful." Paul said to me.

"Aren't you scared, Paul?" I asked him.

"Scared of what, darling?"

"Scared of people finding out."

"About us, love?"

"Yes, Paul. The age difference? The new romance? It's practically forbidden love."

"I'm not afraid and you shouldn't be either."

"But, Paul, what about your career? Your fans? Your family?"

"Amethyst, I've done so much already in my career. I'll make it. If my fans are really fans, they'll continue supporting me. The same for my family."

"I don't want to take away your passion if someone finds out."

"My passion? You are my passion."

"You don't even know me, Paul."

"I told you, we're working on that." Paul smirked at me.

I sighed and gave into his cunning smirk and placed a kiss upon his lips.

"I see where Mary gets it."

"Gets what?"

"Being a lot to handle sometimes."

Paul only smiled at me again.

"You handle it just fine." 

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