First day

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"Ed what do you want to eat"?
"Oh I'm fine with anything, but why are you still hugging me you idiot colonel".
"Because I love you".
"Come on let go it's not fair at all".
I could tell by his voice, he was probably embarrassed. He looked at me with the most adorable look. I wanted to pounce him so bad and have sex, but I don't want to see him cry because I did something like that. Right now he looks so defenseless, I really loved seeing him blush. I picked him up and sat him at the table.
"I'm glad you're small enough to fit in the chair".
"Shut it, I'm not small".
"You're so cute".
"Colonel, you're so embarrassing".
I could feel myself blush, I looked at the colonel and he smiled. I was so embarrassed. I felt so weird. I just wanted this week to end quickly. The colonel gave me a plate of fried eggs.
"Eat up, shorty, maybe you'll grow a few inches".
"Shut up I'm not short".
I used my left hand to eat. It felt weird since I wasn't used to using it. Every time I ate I would look up to see the colonel staring at me.
"Thanks for the food. Colonel".
"You're so cute", I heard him mumble.
"Stop calling me cute".
"Heh, would you be rather per call my sweet honey"?
"No that's way to embarrassing, so stop saying that kind of shit".
"Hey Ed, that's no way to talk to your superior".
"Look, you might be e colonel in the military but you're off duty right now so you're plan old Roy Mustang".
"You didn't have to say old, you're going to make me sound like a massive pervert".
"You are, before you started to like me, you tried to convince the girls in the military to wear mini skirts".
"How did you know that"?
"Let's just say I hear from havoc and the 1st lieutenant".
"Havoc is so dead".
"Colonel, I'm finished eating".
He took the plate and then after he put it in the sink he picked me up in his arms and put me back in his room, on his bed.
"Hey Ed, I want to ask you, about what happened with envy, what did he do to you"?
"I don't remember what happened, I have no clue how much has happened in the last few days".
"He erased the memory of you being manipulated to kill me".
"Wait to kill you"?
"Yeah but I snapped you out of it. I called you short full metal alchemist".
"You did, I think I would have remembered that because I would have killed you".
"You fell unconscious after you gained control again".
"Are you serious"?
"I wouldn't be telling this to lie".
"Colonel I'm sorry".
I could feel myself crying. Tears running down my face.
"It wasn't your fault, Ed. I'm sorry I really shouldn't have said anything about it".
"Colonel, I'm sorry".

The very short but cute EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now