Chapter seven Mommy's girl grows up

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Chapter 7! This will be Padmé and Leia POV so ya!

Padmé's POV

During the Senate meeting I wasn't totally paying attention. After Leia told me about Alderaan I just had to introduce her to Bail, her adoptive father. I have to admit I was kinda jealous that he raised my daughter, but if Anakin and I would have died I would like Bail to raise her. Alderaan is almost like Naboo.

They hit it off very quick. They talked for hours. I've never seen Leia so happy. After we left she hugged me and whispered, "Thanks for that I didn't realize how much I missed him". I smile.

We both decided to eat together away form the boys. So she could tell me everything.

"So how was it in the Empire world?" I ask her. She sighs, "Well I was in the Imperial Senate and I swear we could of gotten more done if we sat around and acted like a bunch stereotyped school girls, fawning over their crushes. Every good idea to stop the Rebel alliance that I'd liked, and I'm a leader, was shot down by the Emperor. He wanted to use force, but that's the reason we formed", Leia explains. I nod then I realize something, "Wait you were in the Senate?" I ask with a smile. "Well until the Empire destroyed Alderaan, yes. I took my 'father's' spot", Leia tells me then sips her drink.

"Like mother like daughter I guess", I tell her with a smile, "So have someone you love back home? I mean I don't care what gender it is", I tell her. I want her to know I'll love her no matter.

"Oh I have my boyfriend soon to be husband", Leia says blushing looking down smiling. "Awe Mother's girl's growing up", I say smiling, "what's his name?" I ask. "Han Solo", Leia responds. "I'm gonna have a talk with his family", I tell her. Leia rolls her eyes, "I'd like to see their reaction". We laugh.

We then talk about the matters in the Senate today as we walk back to the flat. I open the door. And Anakin comes running to me and lifts me in the air and spins me around. He kisses me when he sets me back down, "I've missed you" Leia gives me a weird look and walks out slowly.


Leia's POV

Luke bumps into me in the hall. "Leia, I was looking for you", he says. "Did you find the journal?" I ask. Luke nods, "ya but Anakin almost caught me reading it". My eyes widen, "You don't think he knows?" "Oh heavens no. They can't know", Luke says. "And what if they know?" I ask.

"I'm sure that if they found out then everything would fall", Luke tells me.

Oh my Stars.


Padmé POV

Anakin fills me on what happened. Leia makes this drink that someone called Lando taught her. I think it was called Hot Chocolate. When she gives it to me I take a sip. What can I say about it, well it sure is hot and chocolatey I guess that's why it's called it.

"Why was Luke in my room?" I ask when Anakin tells me. Alright I know why, but Leia says the boys can't know that I know. "To be honsest my brother is the strangest thing ever I'm not sure he's my brother", Leia says sitting down.

Anakin raises an eyebrow, "speaking of the Devil where is he?" Leia shrugs, "I don't know" just then Obi-Wan walks in. Luke trails behind him. Of course Anakin and I are snugged next to each other.

"Anakin what is going on!" Obi-Wan scream. Oh no

Cliffhanger! He he also so sorry it's short!

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